Tag: china

Brazil Selling Itself to China as Best Place for Investment

Seeking investments in ports and roads from China, its largest market for agricultural products, ...

Brazil’s Pragmatic, Anti-American Look at Beijing’s Olympics

Brazilian people’s feelings about the Olympic games in Beijing are as diverse as the ...

Brazil-Argentina Common Worry: Made-in-China Products

According to Brazilian sources, Brazil and Argentina have established a standing consultation round to ...

Disappointed Brazil Wants WTO to Keep Trying to Reach Global Agreement

Pascal Lamy, the head of the World Trade Organization admitted  that the marathon talks ...

The Smartest Thing China Could Do Right Now: Invest US$ 200 Billion in Brazil

On March 2, 2007, Brazzil magazine published the original article of this series of ...

Japan and China Come to Brazil for East Meets Latin America Encounter

Foreign ministers and envoys from 33 Latin America and East Asian countries on Wednesday ...

US Treasury Secretary Scolds Brazil for Corruption and Bureaucracy

The yuan needs to "adapt" to the vigor and strength of the Chinese economy, ...

Bovespa, in São Paulo, Brazil's key stock index

Brazil and China: Two Places Where Stocks Are Jumping Crazy

In its latest issue Money and Markets discusses why Brazil, India, China (three of ...

Chinese currency

Here Is Why Brazil Should Adopt the New Asian Currency

Here we are at a very exciting time – a turning point in world ...