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Tag: army

Protesters burn buildings and fight the police in Brasília - José Cruz/ABr

Responding to Pressure, Brazil President Removes Army from Capital

Brazilian President Michel Temer has called troops back off the streets of Brasília following ...

Brazilian Army sent to protect the presidential palace in Brasília - Valter Campanato/ABr

Army Takes Over Brazil’s Capital After Protesters Invade and Break Government Buildings

The Brazilian Army took over positions close to the presidential palace and ministry buildings ...

In Brazil, Bloody Police Strike Goes On in Espírito Santo and Spreads to Rio

Despite an announcement by the government that the state of Espírito Santos, in southeastern ...

End of Chaos. After 127 Murders, Brazil Police Call Off Week-long Strike

After a week of total chaos that left more than 120 people dead, the ...

Army Takes Over State in Brazil After Police Strike Causes Over 100 Deaths

The government of Espírito Santo state, in southeastern Brazil, in the midst of chaos ...

35,000 Troops Guard Brazil’s Frontiers. Most Are in the Amazon

Drug seizures are not infrequent in Brazil’s Amazon region. In early January alone, the ...

Judge in Brazil Bars Suit for Kidnap and Torture Against Dictatorship-Era Army Officer

The first charges brought against an army officer over crimes committed during the Brazil’s ...

Rio Favelas Are Hurting the Brazilian Army

Rio’s favelas are not good for the Brazilian army. Conflict resolution is not the ...

Brazil Almost Doubling Its Army to Half a Million Men in 20 Years

The Brazilian government plans to increase the number of its voluntary army from 300.000 ...

Rio’s Rains Brought Daily Losses of 50 Million to Industry Alone

Rio de Janeiro’s governor, Sergio Cabral, has announced that his administration will purchase land ...