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Now It’s Our Turn to Tell the Gringos What to Do, Says Lula on Economic Crisis

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Brazil’s former president, blasted the US and Europe for ...

Brazil to Become in a Decade World’s 3rd Largest Car Maker, Ahead of Japan

Car production capacity in Brazil should jump from the current 3.6 million units per ...

The Time Is Now for Brazil to Build a Strong Military! Just Hire Laid-Off NASA Scientists

There are many naïve people around the world who think that a country can ...

Brazil, One of the Top Holders of the United States Debt

Foreign countries, among them Brazil, China and Japan,  hold 4.5 trillion dollars of US ...

French No More. Boeing F-18 Now Seems to Be Favorite for Brazilian Air Force Update

Brazil will not review multibillion-dollar bids for a fighter jet deal until the start ...

Brazil Claims Its Credit Worthiness is Better than the US’s. Not so fast!

Brazil’s minister of Finance, Guido Mantega, said this Wednesday, June 15, that the risk ...

Why My Fellow Brazilian Expats Should Head Back Home to Brazil

When did Brazilians become so afraid of adapting? We constantly hear our fellow Brazilians ...

Obama’s Debt to His Brazilian Readers

Barack Obama owes us another journey to Brazil. Not as president, but as a ...

American Pilots Deny Any Wrongdoing on Boeing Crash that Killed 154 in Brazil

Over four years ago, in September 2006, a freak accident occurred over the Amazon ...

What World Should Expect from Obama & Dilma: The End of Poverty Through Education

Since the end of the Cold War, presidents have no longer been defenders of ...