metatag trash Archives - brazzil

Germany Tries to Dump Tons of Waste Including Dirty Diapers in Brazil

The dumping of dangerous residuals in developing nations by developed countries is old hat. ...

They Say It’s Getting Better, But Trash Is Still a Serious Issue in Brazil

Urban waste problem is huge in Brazil – yet, it  is visibly improving. Almost ...

After Brazil Complaint Britain Decides to Take Back 1,000 Tons of Toxic Trash

Brazil has announced that it will lodge a formal complaint with the World Trade ...

Brazilian Recycling NGO Wants to Export Its Know How

The favela (shantytown) of Jaguaré, in the western side of São Paulo, in the ...

Brazil’s Human Scavengers Finally Get a Break

For the fifth successive Christmas, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva visited an association ...

A Brazilian City Recipe for Recycling Waste and Eliminating Landfills

Maringá, a city in the southern Brazilian state of Paraná, generates 320 tons of ...

José Marcolino and family by Sérgio Tomizaki/Agência Meios

Recycling in Brazil Becomes Ticket Out of Poverty and Inspires World

When he was unemployed, after years working as a welder, 49-year-old José Marcolino da ...

Brazilian Trash Pickers Get Rid of Middlemen With Their Own Recycling Plant

Big populations generate a lot of waste. Modern big societies generate a huge amount ...

Brazil Starts World’s First Recycling Plant for Carton Packaging

US-based aluminum manufacturer Alcoa announced yesterday that its Brazilian affiliate, Alcoa AlumÀ­nio, has joined ...