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consumer confidence Archives - brazzil https://www.brazzil.com/tag/_consumer_confidence/ Since 1989 Trying to Understand Brazil Tue, 30 Nov -001 00:00:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Brazil’s Economy Shrinks, So Does Consumer Confidence https://www.brazzil.com/4640-brazils-economy-shrinks-so-does-consumer-confidence/ Brazil’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) went down in the third quarter of this year for the first time since the first quarter of 2003.

The data released today by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) show that the sum of goods and services produced in the country dropped 1.2% in the period between July and September in comparison with the second quarter of the year.

Nevertheless, when compared with the third quarter of 2004, the third-quarter results represent a 1% improvement.

From January to September, the country’s economy grew 2.6% in relation to the same period last year.

The IBGE informs that the third-quarter 2005 results, in comparison to the previous quarter, evidence the impact of lackluster performances in agriculture, which registered a 3.4% decline, and industry, which was off 1.2%. The service sector held steady.

Less Confident Consumer

The latest survey of Consumer Confidence Brazil’s Getúlio Vargas Foundation found that the index fell from 104.2 in October to 102 in November.

There was also a drop in the Expectations index, going from 106.1 in October to 104.1 in November.

However, when asked to evaluate the economic situation, consumers had a better opinion of it in the latest poll than in October.

In October, 10.6% of those interviewed said the economic situation was good; in November that rose to 11.1%. And in October, 47.7% of those interviewed said the situation was bad; while in November only 46.5% said it was bad.

The survey interviewed 1,969 people in Brazil’s main cities between November 1st and 22.


Brazil Is Number 10 in Foreign Investment, First in LatAm https://www.brazzil.com/4128-brazil-is-number-10-in-foreign-investment-first-in-latam/ Direct foreign investment in Brazil in 2004 totaled almost US$ 18.2 billion, an increase of 79% over 2003. That put the country in 10th place worldwide as a receptor of direct foreign investments, up from 15th place in 2003. Among developing nations, Brazil was in third place, behind China and Hong Kong.
In Latin America, Brazil was the number one direct foreign investment destination, accounting for 27% of all such investments in the region, followed by Mexico (25%) and Chile (11%).

The biggest investors in Brazil in 2004 were Holland (US$ 6.7 billion) and the US (US$ 2 billion).Most of the investments went to the food and beverages, and auto, industries, followed by the services sector.

Consumer Confidence

The latest (22nd) Getúlio Vargas Foundation survey of Brazilian consumer confidence shows that it improved, compared to August, in five out of the eight areas rated. Interviewees were more optimistic, and less pessimistic, about the economic situation of the country and their families, for example. But there was an increase in the number who said they were going into debt (31.9%, compared to 28.3% in August).

The survey interviewed 1,451 household heads in Brazil’s 12 biggest cities between September 2 and 22.


In Brazil Consumer Confidence Falls for Third Month in a Row https://www.brazzil.com/3811-in-brazil-consumer-confidence-falls-for-third-month-in-a-row/

Brazilian consumer confidence has fallen for the third consecutive month, reports the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) in its latest (21st) survey.

FGV interviewed 1,438 household heads between August 1 and 22 in the country’s 12 main capital cities.

The number of respondents who said they thought things were going to improve fell from 52.1% in July to 46.7% in August. And, at the other end of the scale, those who expected things to get worse rose from 6.2% to 7%.

Respondents cited reduced economic growth and the political crisis as the main reasons their confidence was lower.

As a matter of fact, the survey found respondents said everything was lower – except their level of indebtedness. However, the percentage of those who said they were indebted actually fell from July to August, going from 30.4% to 28.3%.

The percentage of respondents who said they had money left over remained stable at 12.3%, but that is the lowest level since October 2002.

The FGV consumer confidence survey was quarterly until July 2004, when it became monthly.

Agência Brasil
