The disproportionately harsh and violent treatment of African-Americans by law enforcement officials has been ...
In a historic gathering in Salvador, Bahia, nearly 100 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender ...
What should be the attitude of the popular and union movements, and which standards ...
Ibn Battuta, a Moroccan Muslim scholar and traveler who lived in the 14th century ...
Brazil’s Afro-Brazilian Society for Social and Cultural Development (Afrobras) is going to launch AfrobrasNews ...
Unlike the US, Brazil doesn’t have two separate social classes, divided between whites and ...
Prejudice plays major role in lack of motivation in most schools in Brazil, this ...
The news is out. Brazil, with a population of 191 million people, is no ...
Not so long ago, Brazil was a country divided by the debate over ideas: ...
The US presidential candidate, Barack Obama, has just made a triumphal tour of Europe ...