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airplane Archives - brazzil https://www.brazzil.com/tag/_airplane/ Since 1989 Trying to Understand Brazil Tue, 30 Nov -001 00:00:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Brazil’s Jet Maker Embraer Grew 20% in 2008 https://www.brazzil.com/10504-brazils-jet-maker-embraer-grew-20-in-2008/ Embraer's Super Tucano Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer delivered 59 jets to the commercial, executive, and defense and government aviation segments during the fourth quarter of 2008, totaling 204 jets in the year.

For the second consecutive year, the Company set a new aircraft delivery record, delivering 20% more airplanes than in 2007 (169 jets). The last quarter of 2008 was also marked by the delivery of the first two Phenom 100 executive jets. The value of the firm order backlog came to US$ 20.9 billion on December 31, 2008.

During the last three months of 2008, Embraer delivered 44 E-Jets to commercial aviation, eight Legacy 600s, two Phenom 100s, and one Embraer 175 to executive aviation, and four jets to the defense and government segment:

   Deliveries by Segment                    4Q08               2008

  Commercial Aviation                         44                162
      ERJ 145                                  -                  6
      Embraer 170                              5                  9
      Embraer 175                             14                 55
      Embraer 190                             20              78 (1)
      Embraer 195                              5                 14

  Executive Aviation                          11                 36
      Phenom 100                               2                  2
      Legacy 600                               8                 33
      Embraer 175                              1                  1

  Defense and Government*                      4                  6
      ERJ 135                                  2                  2
      ERJ 145                                  -                  1
      Legacy 600                               2                  3

  TOTAL                                       59                204


*Includes the delivery of executive jets configured to transport officials and aircraft delivered to state-owned companies. Numbers in parentheses represent operational leasing.

During the last quarter of 2008, Embraer increased the number of customers with firm orders for jets from the Embraer 170/190 family, with the sale of 11 E-Jets (six Embraer 170s and five Embraer 190s) to British Airways, from the United Kingdom.

The Company delivered the first Embraer 190s to Holland's KLM Cityhopper, and Embraer 195s to Azul Linhas Aereas, which is the first Brazilian airline to operate an E-Jet. Regional – Compagnie Aerienne Europeene, a wholly owned subsidiary of Air France, received the 500th E-Jet.

On December 31, 2008, Embraer's Commercial Aviation order book, by product, was:

                                         Firm                       Order
     Aircraft Type                      Orders  Options Deliveries  Backlog

     ERJ 145 Family
        ERJ 135                           108      -       108        –
        ERJ 140                            74      -        74        –
        ERJ 145                           733      50      693        40
     Total – ERJ 145 Family               915      50      875        40

     Embraer 170/190 Family
        Embraer 170                       193      93      148        45
        Embraer 175                       134     173      114        20
        Embraer 190                       438     466      201       237
        Embraer 195                       111      78       27        84
     Total – Embraer 170/190 Family       876     810      490       386

     TOTAL                              1,791     860    1,365       426


Note: Deliveries and the firm order backlog include aircraft sold by the Defense and Government segment to State-owned company (Satena and TAME).

The new sales of the Phenom executive jets family increased the number of firm contracts to over 850 aircraft. The entry level Phenom 100 jet received the Type Certificate (TC) from Brazil's National Civil Aviation Agency (Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil – ANAC) and from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

The first two units of the jet were delivered in December. The ultra-large Lineage 1000 received, in the end of year, the Type Certificate from ANAC and from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), and the Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) from the FAA.

In the defense and government segment, Embraer signed another important contract for the Super Tucano in Latin America with the Dominican Republic, besides the sale of one aircraft for transporting government officials in Asia to the Royal Thai Army. The Company signed a contract amendment with the Brazilian Air Force (Força Aérea Brasileira – FAB) for the A-1M program of AMX modernization, in December.

Embraer is the world's largest manufacturer of commercial jets up to 120 seats, and one of Brazil's leading exporters. Embraer's headquarters are located in São José dos Campos, São Paulo, and it has offices, industrial operations and customer service facilities in Brazil, the United States, France, Portugal, China and Singapore.

Founded in 1969, the Company designs, develops, manufactures and sells aircraft for the Commercial Aviation, Executive Aviation, and Defense and Government segments. The Company also provides after sales support and services to customers worldwide. On December 31, 2008, Embraer had a workforce of 23,509 employees and a firm order backlog of US$ 20.9 billion.

Super Tucano to Dominican Republic

Embraer confirmed the sale of eight Super Tucano aircraft to the government of the Dominican Republic through a contract that was finalized at the end of last year. The aircraft will be operated by the nation's Air Force to perform internal security and border patrol missions, within an operations theater focusing on fighting the drug traffic. This is the third export contract for the aircraft, after sales that were made to the Air Forces of Colombia (FAC) and Chile (FACH).

To date, 63 units of the Super Tucano have already been delivered to the Brazilian Air Force (Força Aérea Brasileira – FAB) and 25 to the FAC, and they are successfully used for border surveillance and other operational missions. In all, 144 aircraft have been sold to four Latin American customers.

The FAC received its 25th Super Tucano in August of last year, thus finalizing the deliveries begun to this customer, in December 2006. The contract was the first export of this aircraft, and the agreement included TOSS (Training and Operation Support System), an advanced training and operational support system with ground stations. The FACH agreement for the sale of 12 aircraft was also announced by Embraer in August 2008.

The Super Tucano went into operation with the FAB in December 2003, to be used for pilot training, as well as for operational missions. This capability ranks the Super Tucano as the world's only aircraft in production that is able to handle advanced pilot training and surveillance and counter-insurgency missions, even at night, using night vision goggles and electro-optical and infrared sensors.

Arabs Show Interest in Leaning Brazil’s Airplane-Making Know-How https://www.brazzil.com/9405-arabs-show-interest-in-leaning-brazils-airplane-making-know-how/ Assembly line at Brazilian Embraer After a visit to Brazilian aircraft maker Embraer, the Arab ambassadors to Brazil seemed impressed with the cutting-edge technology of the country's industry. The diplomats say now that they are willing to increase promotion of Brazilian aircraft and product quality.

"It would be interesting to establish a partnership, so that we could bring Arab professionals here to learn all of this Brazilian technology," stated the Tunisian ambassador in Brasí­lia (capital of Brazil), Sefeddine Cherif.

At the Embraer plant, in the city of São José dos Campos, interior of the southeastern Brazilian state of São Paulo, the ambassadors got to know the assembly lines for executive and business jets, which are exported to 78 airlines in 45 countries, including the Arab market.

"The Arab world must get in touch with Embraer so as to acquire better knowledge of its aircraft. The company offers high quality airplanes at good prices," said the ambassador of the League of Arab States to Brasí­lia, Bachar Yagui.

The United States, which answer to approximately 60% of the company's revenues is Embraer's largest client. In recent years, the airplane maker has been betting on the Arab market, where demand for business jets is strong.

The first unit of the company's most luxurious jet, the Lineage 1000, which costs approximately US$ 40 million, will soon be delivered to the United Arab Emirates. In the business aircraft field, Embraer has exported to Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Libya, and in the executive aircraft field, to the Emirates, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Libya.

According to Cherif, Tunisia has potential to be a large importer of Embraer's jets. Besides, the country could export parts to the Brazilian company, which usually purchases large quantities of items for aircraft assembly. The company, which has offices and service units in China, the United States, Portugal, France and Singapore, is also interested in opening an office in Dubai to better cater to its expanding market.

In 2006, Embraer delivered 131 jets. Last year, the figure increased to 169, and the forecast for this year is around 200. This rise in aircraft demand led the company to hire 4,000 new employees last year. The firm order backlog of Embraer reached US$ 20.3 billion in the first quarter.

Also in São José dos Campos, the ambassadors visited aerospace engineering company Avibras, and were also surprised by the know-how displayed by the company, whose main client is the Arab market.

Avibras, a maker of systems and materials in the areas of defense, communication and electronics, transport, aerospace, and chemicals, was a pioneer in the Brazilian aerospace sector. With a strong influence in the Middle East, the company has had an office in Saudi Arabia, its leading client, for approximately 20 years.

"We have long-standing relations with the Arab countries, dating back to 1980, and our clients have already become our friends," said the president at the company, Sami Youssef Hassuani, a descendant of Syrians and Lebanese. According to him, Arab importers of Avibras' products include the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Algeria, Egypt and Morocco.


Ethanol-powered Plane Is Just One Item on Brazil Embraer’s Green Push https://www.brazzil.com/8821-ethanol-powered-plane-is-just-one-item-on-brazil-embraers-green-push/ Embraer's ethanol-propelled Ipanema Embraer, Brazil's world-famous aircraft manufacturer, has established a board of directors aimed at expanding its environmental policies. The board of Environmental Strategies and Technologies will be headed by the executive vice-president for Strategic Planning and Technological Development at the company, Satoshi Yokota.

The objective is to develop specific environmental preservation policies within the company. The board will support internal business units in their strategies for reducing the environmental impact of the company's production processes and its products, as well as those of suppliers and customers.

"The board's assignments include overall supervision of how the environmental issue evolves, helping the company in its search for alternative materials and technologies that have less impact on the environment," said Yokota.

The company was the first in the airspace sector to obtain, in 2002, the ISO 14001 international certification, which attests to Embraer's correct environmental practices. The company has recently hired a consultancy company to monitor the level of carbon dioxide emissions in its operations.

"We are going to reexamine our strategies for dealing with present and future issues, minimizing the company's environmental impact and contributing to the global effort to reduce the emission of greenhouse effect gases and global warming," said the director for Environmental Strategies and Technologies, Graciliano Campos, in a press release issued by the company.

Some of Embraer's airplanes, such as the executive jets, already have features that maintain the emission levels of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides below the levels determined by the norms of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Embraer was the pioneering airspace company to certify an aircraft for flying on alcohol fuel, in 2004. The Ipanema is the world's first series aircraft to leave the factory with a certification to fly with this type of fuel, according to a press release issued by the company.

Besides being cheaper than aviation gasoline, alcohol makes aircraft less pollutant, as it has a neutral carbon emission balance and has no lead in its composition, which makes it an ecologically correct fuel.

The aircraft manufacturer has been expanding its environment preservation actions. The company's recycling program, which started out in 1998, is becoming increasingly efficient. The volume of recycled material increased from 52.9% in 2000 to 79.6% in 2006.

This implies that of all the residues produced, which include wood, plastic, paper, polystyrene, and even cardboard and cooking oil, a large share is recycled.

The company also supports environmental projects in the municipality of São José dos Campos, in the interior of São Paulo state, where it is based. In the city of Gavião Peixoto, where the company owns a unit, an ambitious reforestation project is being developed, by which 400,000 trees have already been replanted.


Brazil Gol’s New Maintenance Center Will Save US$ 2 Million a Year https://www.brazzil.com/7243-brazil-gols-new-maintenance-center-will-save-us-2-million-a-year/ Brazilian Airline Gol has just opened this Friday, September 15, its Aircraft Maintenance Center in Confins, Belo Horizonte, in the Brazilian southeastern state of Minas Gerais. The construction began in July last year with a total investment of US$ 14 million (30.5 million reais).

The center offers high-end technology for airplane maintenance. The annual cost reductions are estimated at US$ 2 million for the company, which will stop using third-parties services. An additional gain will be achieved with maintenance services for other airlines.

"In a moment of expansion, Gol will reduce its aircraft expenses and obtain another source of future revenues," says David Barioni, Gol’s Technical Vice President. The company plans to end 2006 with 62 Boeing 737 airplanes, an increase of 20 over year-end 2005.

The total area of Maintenance Center is 17,300 m². Two hangars were built, one of 4,800 m² for three airplanes, and another one of 2.000 m² for one airplane. The repair shops and business offices occupy 10,500 m².

About 350 new job openings (direct and indirect) are being created with the inauguration of the Center. The Confins location was chosen as Tancredo Neves International Airport is one of the best and most well-structured in Brazil.

Saudi Arabia Orders 15 Jets from Brazil’s Embraer https://www.brazzil.com/2173-saudi-arabia-orders-15-jets-from-brazils-embraer/

Saudi Arabian Airlines is going to purchase 15 aircraft of the Embraer 170 model. The firm order was announced today and the first deliveries will take place in December. This is the first Middle Eastern customer to purchase Embraer 170 aircraft.

Brazil’s Embraer Celebrating Record Profits https://www.brazzil.com/1696-brazils-embraer-celebrating-record-profits/

Embraer, Brazilian airplane manufacturing company, announced March 17 record revenues and profits in 2004. The net sales, according to the company, was of US$ 3.440 billion, an increase in 60.5% in comparison to 2003.

The net income was of US$ 380.2 million, more than double what was registered in the previous year. The company’s portfolio of firm orders adds up to US$ 10.1 billion.

In the year in which the company completed its 35th anniversary, Embraer delivered 148 commercial and executive airplanes, 47% more than in 2003. Exports yielded US$ 3.3 billion to the company, or 92% of the total sales.

This placed Embraer once again in second place amongst the greatest exporting companies in Brazil, losing only to Petrobras, the state-owned company in the oil sector. In 2003 Embraer had lost its place to the Vale do Rio Doce, company in the mining sector.

“The driving force behind these positive results was the entry into service of the Embraer 170, the first member of the Embraer 170/190 family, which, since March of 2004, has been successfully operated by airlines in the U.S. and Europe”, says the statement released by the company.

But there were not only positive facts during the last year, as the company could have delivered more aircrafts had it not been the North American US Airways that had to call for a creditor’s agreement.

“Embraer was adversely impacted after US Airways, one of our largest customers, filed for Charpter 11 in September 2004. As a result, we adjusted our delivery guidance for 2004 and 2005 to 145 deliveries each year, from 160 and 170 aircraft, respectively, and ultimately delivered 148 aircraft in 2004”, states the company’s annual report.

Last year, Embraer received 132 firm orders, where 101 were airplanes in the 170/190 family, of jets with the capacity to carry between 70 and 118 passengers, and 31 aircrafts in the ERJ 145 group, which can carry between 37 and 50 people.

Another positive fact that took place last year, according to the company, as well as the beginning of operations of the Embraer 170, was the delivery of the first five jets in the ERJ 145 group manufactured by Harbin Embraer Aircraft Industry Company, subsidiary to the Brazilian company in China.


In the defense sector, the company is part of a consortium, lead by Lockheed Martin, which won a tender bidding by the North American government to supply equipments to the aerial vigilance program Aerial Common Sensor (ACS).

Embraer will supply jets based on the ERJ 145 for the project. Initially the consortium will deliver five units which will be tested as of the next year.

The initial value of the contract is of US$ 879 million, where, if it is extended, the amount may reach US$ 7 billion in 20 years. Last year, the company also laid the foundation stone for a new factory in Jacksonville, in Florida.

Military vigilance jets, based on the ERJ 145, are already used by the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) in the System for the Vigilance of the Amazon (Sivam).

Also in the defense sector, the company delivered seven units of the turboprop for training and light attacks, ALX Super Tucano, to the FAB.

Currently the company is working in the modernization of 46 supersonic fighters F-5 and the attack jets AMX, also belonging to the FAB. The AMX were manufactured by Embraer itself in the 1980s, when the company was still state-owned (it was privatized in 1995), through an agreement with Italy.

“Net sales in this segment represented 11% of 2004 total revenues compared to 12% in 2003. Embraer expects to increase participation of the defense segment to 17% in 2005, reaching 20% of total revenues by 2007”, says the company’s report.

Translated by Silvia Lindsey

Egypt Wooing Brazilian Airplanes https://www.brazzil.com/1640-egypt-wooing-brazilian-airplanes/

Inaugurated by President Hosni Mubarak, who is, himself, an aviator, the first edition of aeronautical fair Avex took place between the 23rd and 25th of February, in the balneary of Sharm El Sheikh, in Egypt.

It was the first international aeronautical exhibit organized by Egypt. The event gathered about 20 Egyptian companies and 43 foreign companies in the civil aviation sector and of aeronautical equipment.

During the fair, about 40 airplanes of various sizes were exhibited at the Sharm El Sheikh airport, varying from small aircrafts for two people, to commercial jets, capable of carrying 70 passengers.

Great companies in the aviation sector were participating at the Avex, such as Bombardier from Canada, the European Airbus and the North American Gulfstream.

Brazil was also present, represented by airplane manufacturer Embraer, which brought its planes to the exhibit.

“The Civil Aviation Minister, Ahmed Shafic, had told me he would like Brazil to participate very much, that is why I asked them to do what was possible to be present,” said the Brazilian ambassador at Cairo, Elim Dutra, who participated in the event.

“So Embraer decided to send a large plane, the Embraer 170, which carries 70 passengers,” stated the diplomat.

According to Dutra, the Embraer 170 “is the kind of airplane that the Egyptian government wants to buy”. The reason for that, according to him, is because the jet is adequate both for domestic transportation of passengers, as for medium distance international flights.

“In other words, it would be perfect for journeys in the Middle East, to go to Greece, for example. It can equally fly to Stockholm (Sweden). It is also an ideal plane for short flights, to go from Cairo to Luxor, Aswan, or Sharm El Sheikh,” stated the ambassador.

Embraer showed the executive jet of the Legacy model too. “President Mubarak, who went to the fair, saw these airplanes and showed great interest in them. He was interested in the characteristics of the aeroplanes and made a series of questions about them,” stated Dutra.

“The Embraer vice president, Luis Fernando Fux, was present and he offered the Egyptian president all the information on the aircrafts. Both planes were visibly very well accepted,” he added.

Business Perspectives

According to Dutra, the Egyptian government is interested in buying airplanes. “They are examining the possibility and Embraer is an excellent candidate. It is the only company that has an airplane especially made with 70 seats. Ideal for the Egyptian government,” he declared. “In addition, from the price point of view, the Embraer airplanes are also convenient,” he added.

The ambassador recalled that the Egyptian government already knows well the Embraer products, as in the past they bought the military turboprop Tucano.

Some of these aircrafts were even assembled in the Arab country. “Everyone here, amongst them the Minister himself (Ahmed Shafic), knows Embraer very well and think highly of the Brazilian company,” he stated.

“There are, therefore, good purchase possibilities. Also, the trade fair was very important as the airplanes were exhibited not only to the Egyptians, but also to the businessmen and government representatives of the Gulf and other Middle East countries,” concluded Dutra.

Translated by Silvia Lindsey
ANBA ”“ Brazil-Arab News Agency

Chinese Get Brazilian Plane Built in China https://www.brazzil.com/1389-chinese-get-brazilian-plane-built-in-china/

China Southern Airlines, the largest airline in The People’s Republic of China has just received its sixth and final ERJ 145 Regional Jet. The new addition was built by the Harbin Embraer Aircraft Industry Company Limited, a joint venture between Brazil and China.

The first regional aircraft was delivered to China Southern in June 2004 and yesterday’s delivery marked the end of the current regional aircraft order.

Accepting delivery of the regional jet was China Southern Captain Yu Hui Chun and will be used for regional service throughout the Southern China marketplace.

Brazil’s Embraer signed an agreement in December 2002 to establish a production unit in China. This marked Embraer’s first industrial initiative outside Brazil to manufacture its renowned ERJ 145 family aircraft to better meet the needs of the Chinese market in terms of commercial aviation products.

The new company, Harbin Embraer Aircraft Industry Company Ltd., is based in Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang province, and is specialized in manufacturing the top selling 30-50 seat ERJ 145 regional jet series products.

Embraer is a major aerospace company with 34 years of experience in designing, developing, manufacturing, selling and providing after sales support to aircraft for the global airline, defense and corporate markets.

With headquarters in São José dos Campos, state of São Paulo, the Company has offices and customer service bases in Australia, China, France, Singapore and the United States.

Embraer is among Brazil’s leading exporting companies. As of March 31, 2004 Embraer had a total workforce of 14,090 people, and its firm order backlog totaled US$ 10.9 billion.

The largest airline in The People’s Republic of China for the past 13 years, China Southern Airlines connects more than 80 cities around the globe. Major business and vacation destinations served in China include: Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Guilin, Hong Kong, Kunming, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Wuhan.

The company also offer international service, including: Amsterdam, Bangkok, Fukuoka, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Islamabad, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Los Angeles, Manila, Melbourne, Moscow, Osaka, Paris, Penang, Phnom Penh, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo.

Business Wire
