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Tag: Mato Grosso

Brazil Can’t Explain a Four-fold Increase in Deforestation in the Amazon

Brazil’s Environment minister, Izabella Teixeira, says that the recent surge in rainforest deforestation in ...

Brazil Company Mixes Ostrich Oil, Honey and Flowers to Get Unique Cosmetics

Their intention is to gain space in Brazil and abroad with cosmetics made out ...

Politician’s Bodyguard Threatens Reporters in Brazil

Brazilian reporters Paula Litaiff and Arlesson Sicsú from the newspaper Diário do Amazonas were ...

Export Council Brings Boost to Brazilian Sales Overseas

Exports from the state of Mato Grosso reached US$ 3.813 billion, between January and ...

Brazil Repeats Record Performance in Soy Production

Brazil's favorable weather and the priority ascribed by farmers to planting soybean in the ...

Threatened with Violence Brazil Bororos Say They’ll Leave Their Land Only Dead

Brazil's Bororo Indian people, who live in the Jarudore land, in the municipality of ...

Oil pipeline in São Sebastião on the São Paulo coast, Brazil

Brazil Gets Ethanol/Gasoline/Diesel Pipeline

The Brazilian southern state of Paraná will have a multi-pipeline, which will transport alcohol ...

Spread of Soybean Culture Helps Denying Brazilian Indians Their Land

In the state of Mato Grosso, located in the west region of Brazil, there ...

Rare blue macaws can be seen at the San Francisco ranch

Voyeurs of the World Discover Brazil’s Pantanal

Old pond. / Frog jumps in. / Water-sound. The seventeenth century Japanese haiku poem ...

Brazil Fears an Isolated Indian Tribe Has Been Victim of Genocide

The Brazilian federal police have launched a major operation to remove settlers and loggers ...

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