metatag Lepore Archives - brazzil

Brazil Judge’s Sentence Against American Pilots Cannot Be Enforced

Almost five years ago, on September 26, 2006, an executive jet manufactured by the ...

Brazil Justice Sentences American Pilots to Four Years in Prison Commuted to Community Service

Joseph Lepore and Jan Paladino, the American pilots who are accused by Brazil to ...

Brazil Blames US Pilots for Boeing Crash. Congressman Wants to Sue Them

The final report of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) on the crash between a ...

Brazilian congress inquiry on the air blackout

Brazil’s Boeing Tragedy: Transcript Shows US Pilot Lost and Then Taking a Nap

Brazil's House Representative, Vic Pires Franco, believes he has evidence that places most of ...

Part of fallen Gol's Boeing 737 fuselage in Brazil's Amazon forest

Prosecutor Charges Brazilian as Main Culprit of Brazil’s Worst Air Accident

Brazilian federal prosecutor Tiago Lemos de Andrade thinks he knows who are responsible for  ...

Boeing Tragedy: Aviation Leaders Beg Brazil to Not Indict Air Controllers

Several international aviation organizations including the  Flight Safety Foundation and the National Business Aviation ...

American Pilots Get Back Their Wings in Brazil and Fly to the US

American pilots Joe Lepore and Jan Paladino have left Brazil about 4:30 pm, today, ...

American Pilots’ Brazilian Ordeal Ends Today. Then Again…

The Brazilian Federal police may continue their hide and seek game until the last ...

Brazilian Boeing 737 that crashed in the Amazon jungle

How Brazil With Media Help Kept the Lies Alive After Boeing’s Tragedy

With each passing day, new evidence: the government, through the Defense minister, deceived the ...

Brazilian Justice Orders Passports to Be Returned to US Pilots in 72 Hours

Joe Lepore and Jan Paladino, the two American pilots who have been retained in ...

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