metatag Google Archives - brazzil

World’s Number 1: 43% of Censorship in Google Comes from Brazil

Brazil has a big lead as the country with the most government requests to ...

Brazil Hires Google and YouTube to Help Promote Brazilian Tourism

Brazilian tourism agency Embratur and Google have just launched a tool to promote Brazil ...

In Brazil 85% of Internet Users Do Social Networking. Google’s Orkut Is King

Marketing research company comScore with headquarters in Reston, Virginia, a leader in measuring the ...

Hacker or Google’s Inside Job? In Brazil Controversial Orkut Pages Disappear

Some Brazilians are accusing Google of suppressing freedom of expression in the still of ...

Google Has Only Until Tomorrow to Deliver the Goods to Brazil’s Justice

It ends this Friday, September 15, the time granted by Brazilian justice for Google ...

Fed Up with Brazil and Brazilians Google May Close or Block Orkut

Brazilians make up 65% of Orkut’s 26.5 million subscribers. As some people know Orkut ...

Brazil Congress Enters Fray Against Google, Charged with Sheltering Pedophiles

These are some of the sins Google is being charged with committing in Brazil ...

Brazil’s Petrobras Has Big Plans to Take on the World

Brazilian oil giant Petrobras expands investments and seeks joint venture in the US. Nestor ...