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Tag: Gol

Let the Yankees Go, Pilots’ Lawyers Urge Brazilian Superior Court

"They cannot be kept in Brazil indefinitely. And they cannot be punished for being ...

ExcelAire Says It’s Too Early to Blame It for Brazilian Air Tragedy

New-York based air-taxi company ExcelAire, which had kept silent, while the world raged outside ...

US Pilots and ExcelAire Sued in New York for Brazilian Air Tragedy

Another American law firm, this time, Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, announced they are ...

Brazil Admits ‘Imprecision’ But Doesn’t Exonerate US Pilots from Blame

The Brazilian Air Force confirmed that the São José dos Campos’s air control tower ...

Legacy’s Black Box Shows Brazil’s Control Tower Made a Mistake

Transcripts from the Legacy’s black box reveal that the São José dos Campos, São ...

Boeing 737 wreckage found in Brazil's Amazon jungle

Brazil’s Worst Air Accident Ever Reveals How Arrogant the US Can Be

The Gol’s Boeing fall on September 29 lasted about two minutes and a half. ...

Brazill: Pilot Who First Helped Legacy Tells For First Time His Version

Alexander Cortez, a Colombian pilot who helped the Legacy jet to find a runway ...

Boeing Crash: Brazilian Minister Says Legacy’s Transponder Was Off

Early analysis of the flight data recorders from two planes that collided in Brazil’s ...

US Pilots Boycott Brazil’s Unfriendly Skies

Denis Breslin, communications chairman of the Allied Pilots Association (APA), an entity that represents ...

Congress and State Department on Lobby to Bring American Pilots Back from Brazil

The owner of ExcelAire, the American company that bought the Brazilian-made Legacy jet, which ...