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Furlan Archives - brazzil https://www.brazzil.com/tag/_Furlan/ Since 1989 Trying to Understand Brazil Tue, 30 Nov -001 00:00:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Brazil Offers Ethanol to the U.S. and Calls for End to Subsidies https://www.brazzil.com/4093--brazil-offers-ethanol-to-the-us-and-calls-for-end-to-subsidies/ During his visit to Washington this week, Brazil’s Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Luiz Fernando Furlan, has met with various U.S. government authorities.

On Monday, September 26, he had talks with the U.S. Secretary of Energy, Samuel Bodman, and on Tuesday, September 27, with the secretary of Commerce, Carlos Gutierrez, informing both of them that Brazil can supply its sugarcane-based ethanol fuel to the United States.

Furlan points out that the U.S. produces less than 60% of the 23 billion liters of ethanol fuel it consumes annually. At the moment, Brazil is exporting 400 million liters annually to the US and could export more, according to the Minister, pointing out that production in Brazil in on the rise.

Brazil-U.S. Ties

Speaking at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Relations, Celso Amorim, pointed out that Brazil and the U.S. have a long historical relationship and that at the moment the Americans are Brazil’s biggest commercial and investment partner.

Amorim went on to say that today Brazil seeks to diversify its exports by moving into the areas of education, environment and science and technology. He also said that Brazil considers the search for new trade partners of great importance, citing growing commerce with China and South Africa, as examples.

In his speech, Amorim cited the words of president George W. Bush, who said that the elimination of world poverty depends on more world trade, and added that Brazil wants to see an end to subsidies "because they are unfair, distorting world trade by making subsidized goods cheaper than they should be in the international marketplace."

Agência Brasil

Ten Brazilian Entrepreneurs Get Knowledge Medal https://www.brazzil.com/3820-ten-brazilian-entrepreneurs-get-knowledge-medal/

Brazil’s 2005 Knowledge Medal (Medalha do Conhecimento), was awarded to ten businessmen by Brazilian Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Luiz Fernando Furlan.

At the occasion, Furlan declared that “without courage to plant, invest and believe in Brazil, there will be no fruits to harvest… People and institutions make progress based on challenges…. To wake up in the morning without a challenge means a very dull day.”

Furlan pointed out that Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva administration policy has been to stimulate Brazil’s natural capacities as an exporting nation, while incorporating more knowledge, innovation and creativity in the production process.

The Knowledge Medal is recognition for those who have joined this important effort, said the minister. Furlan added that a measure of the success of the government’s policy is that this year over 300 nominations were made for the medal.

This year’s Medal of Knowledge winners were: Boris Botler, director of Endoview Company, which created Brazil’s first flexible ví­deo-endoscope; Hélio Santos de Oliveira, of the Politec Company; Magrid Teske, founder and owner of Laboratório Botânico Ltda; Miguel G. Krigsner, founder and president of O Boticário, a cosmetics and perfume firm.

Winners also included Paulo Guilherme Cunha, president of Grupo Ultra; Raul Anselmo Randon, director-president of Randon Participações S.A., an investment firm; Lynaldo Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, president of the Brazilian Association of Technology Research Institutions (Associação Brasileira das Instituições de Pesquisa Tecnológica).

Plus: Waldimir Pirró e Longo, of the Technology Innovation, Research and Analysis Center Foundation (Fundação Centro de Análise, Pesquisa e Inovação Tecnológica) and the Federal Fluminense University; Fernando de Castro Reinach, executive director of Votorantin Novos Negócios, the capital venture branch of one of Brazil’s largest industrial conglomerates; and Maurí­cio Novis Botelho, president of Embraer, Brazil’s aircraft manufacturer.


In Exports Growth, Brazil Only Loses to Russia and China https://www.brazzil.com/3083-in-exports-growth-brazil-only-loses-to-russia-and-china/

Despite the strong appreciation of the Brazilian real against the United States dollar, which makes Brazilian products more expensive on the foreign market, the minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Luiz Fernando Furlan, believes that the Brazilian export growth in 2005 will be at least double the world average.

“The target we have determined for this year puts the growth very close to double the world average,” stated Furlan of Friday, July 1st, in São Paulo, Brazil.

The Brazilian government forecast is that exports reach US$ 112 billion in the year, which, if confirmed, will represent a 16% increase when compared to last year, which was US$ 96.4 billion.

“International institutions, like the Unctad, forecast that the export growth should be below 10%”, stated Furlan. He believes that, in the medium term, the country share in foreign trade may reach 1.2%. Today it is at around 1.1%.

Brazilian trade has been growing over the world average for some time. This has been taking place for at least two years and, during the first half of this year, the performance has been repeated.

According to figures supplied by the World Trade Organization (WTO) published by newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo, world exports rose 14% in the period between January and April, whereas the value of Brazilian shipping rose 25.7% in the same period.

“Only two countries presented greater growth than Brazil: Russia and China. And I believe that in 2005 there will be little change in this picture,” stated the Foreign Trade secretary, Ivan Ramalho.

Monthly record

The Brazilian government’s trust was strengthened by the trade balance in June. In the month, the shipping generated US$ 10.2 billion, an increase of 9.4% in comparison to the same month last year. For the first time in history, monthly export exceeded US$ 10 billion.

“The foreign trade figures continue very dynamic, despite exchange rates. I believe that, in the second half, the monthly average will be US$ 10 billion,” declared the minister.

The real was the currency that had the greatest appreciation against the dollar in recent months, accumulating a high of 12% in the year. On Friday, one United States dollar was sold for 2.357 Brazilian reais.

Import in the month total led US$ 6.176 billion, with growth of 11.7% over June last year. The surplus favorable to Brazil was US$ 4.031 billion in the month, also a historic record.

In the accumulated result for the first half, exports generated US$ 53.6 billion, a growth of 23.9% in comparison to the same period in 2004. Foreign purchases, in turn, total led US$ 34 billion, with growth of 20.2% in relation to the first half of last year.

With the appreciation of the Brazilian real, Furlan believes that in the second half of this year imports should grow at a greater rate than exports, which should grow, according to him, on average 10% a month.

But this, in his evaluation, is not going to stop the country from once again presenting a considerable trade balance surplus, around US$ 35 billion.

“Today many sectors are prepared to export, having invested heavily and the export culture has been created. This will make exports continue to grow,” declared the Minister.

Anyway, the dollar exchange rates are worrying, as they are affecting the exports of sectors like shoes and apparel, which are great job generators.

Although the government discards any kind of intervention in exchange rates, Furlan stated that measures must be taken so as to simplify and reduce onuses on exports.

With regard to products, in June there was 14.1% growth in the sale of manufactured products, to US$ 5.5 billion, and 14.2% in sales of semi-manufactured products, to US$ 1.451 billion.

Exports of basic products fell 13.3%. According to the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, this reduction was generated by a smaller volume of shipments of oil, soy in grain and soy chaff.

In the case of soy, the problem was made worse by the crop that took place in the south of the country, due to the drought, and to the reduction in the price of the commodity on the foreign market.

With regard to the destinations, new markets continue playing an important part. In the month of June, the shipping to Eastern Europe grew 91.3% and to Africa, 26%. In the result accumulated for the year, sales to Africa rose 43.7% and to the Middle East, 5.6%.

To the 22 Arab countries, Furlan stated that the perspectives are still positive. “Our position is one of optimism. The sales of most products to the Arab countries are going to continue growing,” he said.

Last year, exports to the Arab countries total led over US$ 4 billion. The Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (CCAB) estimates that the growth of stales this year should be at least 13%.

ANBA – www.anba.com.br

Cairo Wishes to Boost Commercial Ties with Brazil https://www.brazzil.com/1369-cairo-wishes-to-boost-commercial-ties-with-brazil/

The Brazilian minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Luiz Fernando Furlan, was invited by the minister of Industry and Foreign Trade in Egypt, Rachid Mohamed Rachid, to participate in the 38th Cairo International Fair, multisector event which will take place from the 15th to 25th of March, in the Egyptian capital.

A spokesperson for Minister Furlan said that the minister “initially” accepted the invitation, demonstrated great interest in participating and should really go, if there are no “setbacks”. The confirmation for the journey, however, still depends on arrangements in his agenda.

The invitation was made in a meeting between Furlan and Rachid in Davos, Switzerland, last week, during the World Economic Forum (WEF).

According to Rachid’s press department, the Egyptian Minister left the meeting enthusiastic and has spoken of the beginning of “a new phase and new horizons in the trade and industrial relations between Brazil and Egypt”.

For Rachid, as of now, the economic exchange between the two countries will become much more intense.

Egypt already was one of Brazil’s main trade partners in the Arab world, but the relations strengthened after the visit by president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to the country in December 2003, the beginning of the negotiations between Egypt and the Mercosur for a tariff preference agreement, and the articulations for the summit for the Arab and South American heads of state, to take place in Brazil in May.

In 2004 the Brazilian exports to the Arab country added up to US$ 623.4 million, an increase of almost 35% in relation to the previous year. The imports, however, were a lot less, adding up to only US$ 33.4 million.

In January the shipments to Egypt yielded US$ 59.9 million, against US$ 42.9 million in the same month of 2004. The imports, on the other hand, came to a total of US$ 1.9 million.

With a big difference in the trade balance, Egyptian businessmen and officials have emphasised the need to increase sales from the Arab country to Brazil.

President Lula himself constantly says that in order for Brazil to maintain a healthy foreign trade, it is not enough to only want to sell; it is necessary to buy as well.

In this context, minister Rachid is programming a journey to Brazil, probably also in March, accompanied by businessmen from his country. Many of these entrepreneurs, according to his spokesman, will be visiting Brazil for the first time.

Brazilians at the Fair

For those who wish to verify in loco the opportunities in Egypt, the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (CCAB) will promote, for the seventh time, the participation of Brazilian companies in the event.

According to the secretary-general at the CCAB, Michel Alaby, this is the main trade show in Africa and one of the most important in the Arab world.

In partnership with the Brazilian Export Promotion Agency (Apex), the Chamber will have a 99-square-metre stand.

Last year, five Brazilian companies occupied a 35-square-meter stand at the trade fair and made about 450 trade contacts.

The Brazilian Zebu Breeders Association (ABCZ) also participated with their own space, in partnership with the Apex. The good results led the CCAB and Apex to increase the space for this year’s edition.

In all, five Brazilian companies have confirmed their presence at the fair and another three are interested, but still have not decided. It is still possible to subscribe with the CCAB.

According to the Chamber, the Brazilian products that have greater acceptance in Egypt are cattle beef, construction material, computers, raw material for cosmetics, electric and electronic products, shoes, pharmaceutical products, agriculture machinery, automobiles and machinery for industries.


Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (CCAB)
Marketing Sector
Tel.: (+55 11) 3283-4066
website: www.ccab.org.br

Translated by Silvia Lindsey
ANBA ”“ Brazil-Arab News Agency
