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E175 Archives - brazzil https://www.brazzil.com/tag/_E175/ Since 1989 Trying to Understand Brazil Tue, 30 Nov -001 00:00:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Brazil’s Embraer Sells 50 Jets to US’s Republic Airways for US$ 2.1 Bi https://www.brazzil.com/23887-brazil-s-embraer-sells-50-jets-to-us-s-republic-airways-for-us-2-1-bi/ Embraer's E175 Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer said on Wednesday it has reached an agreement to sell 50 E175 jets to U.S. regional operator Republic Airways Holdings for US$ 2.1 billion. 

Republic Airways will operate the planes for United Airlines and under the latter’s regional United Express brand, the world’s third-largest commercial plane maker and leader in the regional jet market.

Republic Airways, owner of Chautauqua Airlines, Republic Airlines and Shuttle America, will begin receiving the new jets in the third quarter of 2015, Embraer said.

The contract announced Wednesday follows an earlier deal the two companies reached in January 2013, when Republic Airways ordered 47 E175 aircraft, 34 of which have already been delivered.

As part of that earlier contract, Republic Airways had the option of purchasing an additional 47 planes of that same model.

“We have long and successful relationships established with both Republic and United. This new contract further strengthens these important bonds,” Embraer Commercial Aviation President and CEO Paulo Cesar Silva was quoted as saying.

“As the worldwide leader in the 70 to 130-seat jet segment, Embraer has shown the capability of fulfilling the needs of airlines in the demanding and challenging U.S. regional market.”

With its latest order, Republic Airways, one of the first U.S. airlines to fly Embraer E-Jets, will have an E-Jet fleet consisting of 72 E170s and 151 E175s, the Brazilian plane maker said.

The Indianapolis, Indiana-based regional operator offers nearly 1,300 daily flights to around 110 cities in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean.

