Dilma Rousseff, Brazil’s president elect, told reporters in South Korea that the devaluation of ...
Worker’s Party (PT) Candidate, Dilma Rousseff, will be the first woman president in Brazilian ...
A little over four years ago, in September 2006 “Brazzil” published one of my ...
In a scene from my first book, Hugo Chávez: Oil, Politics and the Challenge ...
Brazilian opposition parties (PSDB, DEM and PPS) have filed an appeal at the Superior ...
The presidential campaign for the October election in Brazil hasn’t started and by law ...
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the president of Brazil, is considering supporting a renowned ...
In a rebuke to her boss, Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Dilma ...
The downpour of odd government decisions, apparently meaningless presidential phrases and so much propaganda perhaps ...
Everybody in Brazil knows that São Paulo state governor José Serra is desperate to ...