metatag 2005 Archives - brazzil

2.3%: In 2005 Brazil Grew at Half the Rate of 2004

Gross domestic product in Latin America’s largest economy grew by 2.3 percent in 2005 ...

Central Bank Lowers Brazil’s 2005 GDP Estimate from 3.4% to 2.6%

Brazil’s Central Bank (BC) lowered its estimate for this year’s growth in the Gross ...

Lula Is No Disease, Just the Symptom of a Decaying Brazil

Brazil’s President Lula da Silva is immersed in a seemingly endless corruption scandal; his ...

Standard & Poor Sees a ‘Solid’ 2005 for Brazil

Brazilian stocks rose, ahead of what are expected to be solid fourth-quarter earnings announcements ...

Brazil Passes US$ 256 Billion Budget

Brazil’s National Congress approved December 29 the 2005 Federal Budget, which sets aside resources ...

Brazil Happy with Economy and Hopeful for 2005

Growth in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the fifth quarter in a row ...

Brazil Needs Reforms, Says Country’s Industry Leader

The industrial sector, composed of three groups – manufacturing, construction, and mining -, which ...

Brazil’s Businesses Eager to Invest in 2005

A survey by the Brazil’s CNI (Confederação Nacional das Indústrias””National Industrial Confederation) shows that ...