metatag Visa Archives - brazzil
Guarulhos International Airport in São Paulo, Brazil

Citing Reciprocity, Brazil Ends Visa Exemption for USA, Canada and Australia

The visa requirement for tourists from Australia, Canada, and the United States, planning to ...

Lines outside US consulates in Brazil are always long

It Never Took So Long: Brazilians Wait Up to 20 months to Get US Visa

Brazil currently ranks seventh among the nations with the longest waiting time to get ...

Pelourinho in Salvador, Bahia - From Wikipedia, unknown author

E-visa: Americans Won’t Need Anymore to Go to a Consulate to Get a Brazil Visa

The Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that its e-visa program (Programa de Visto ...

Xingu river, in the Brazilian Amazon - Photo: Paulino Menezes

Brazil Wishes to Double Number of Foreign Tourists It Gets. But This Will Be a Tough Sell

Brazil, South America’s largest nation, has many natural and cultural treasures that are popular ...

Flooded with Visa Requests US Sends Dozens of Temporary Employees to Brazil to Meet Demand

The US state has informed that the US Mission to Brazil processed a record ...

Once Again US Says the End of Visas for Brazilians Is Near

In an interview with Brazil’s leading weekly newsmagazine Veja, Thomas A. Shannon, the American ...

US Considers Letting Brazilians Enter the US Without a Visa

The Obama administration is currently looking at the possibility of extending the visa waiver ...

With 150,000 Illegals from Brazil, UK Decides to Impose Visas for Brazilians

A global economy but not so much of a global understanding, at least when ...

Brazilians Won’t Need a Visa to Visit the US Anymore

President Bush has signed legislation allowing citizens of 12 more countries, including Brazil, to ...

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