Tag: US

Brazil and U.S. Agree to Disagree on Venezuela

The American Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, affirmed yesterday that the United States will ...

Brazil and US Join Forces to Fight Terror and Piracy

Brazil and the United States will be able to expedite actions to prevent, investigate, ...

Bye Bye, Rat Race! Hello, Brazil!

My leaving the United States for Brazil, a place I’d never been, was like ...

US Opposes Brazil Proposal for Anti-Racism Pact at the OAS

The Brazilian government’s proposal to draft an Inter-American Convention Against Racism and All Forms ...

Slave Labor Common Where US Nun Was Murdered in Brazil

Sister Dorothy Stang, a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur from Cincinnati, was assassinated ...

Brazilians Protest US Nun’s Murder

Brazilian representatives of non-governmental organizations, the landless, performers, lawmakers, and intellectuals met in the ...

Rayfran Sales Confesses He Killed US Nun

A military helicopter arrived in Altamira from Anapu with Rayfran das Neves Sales aboard. ...

US Called Immoral Polluter by Protesters in Brazil

Representatives of social movements, unions, and environmental organizations protested in front of the American ...

Murder of US Nun Deeply Shakes Brazil

Dorothy Stang, 76, a Catholic missionary from the US has been murdered Saturday by ...

Brazil Goes to Washington to Fix Its Social Security

Brazil’s Minister of Social Security, Amir Lando, initiated, yesterday, a series of contacts to ...