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Tag: Temer

Protest against Temer in Curitiba, Paraná state - Lula Marques/Ag PT

If Brazil President Manages to Remain in Office He’ll Be Too Crippled to Govern

Demonstrators marched across Brazil on Sunday calling for the resignation or ouster of President ...

A protester with a head sign: Out, Temer - Paulo Pinto/Agência PT

Why Brazil’s Chaos Is No Reason for Panic

Brazil’s political turmoil is going into overdrive, exacerbated in recent days by the discovery ...

Temer talks to the Nation - Beto Barata/PR

Brazil’s President Response to Hush Money Accusation: I Repeat, I Will Not Resign

Brazilian President, Michel Temer, said this Thursday he will not resign, after an explosive ...

Amazon's blue macaws - WWF

Agribusiness Lobby Strips Brazil of a Puerto Rico of Conservation Areas

With Brazil in political turmoil, the bancada ruralista agribusiness lobby that dominates Congress has ...

President Michel Temer checking his cell phone - Beto Barata/PR

Brazil Prosecutor Wants President Temer Impeached for Illegal Campaign with Rousseff

Brazilian President Michel Temer since taking office, in May 2016, has faced one crisis ...

Brazil Left Blames Overzealous Prosecution for Former First Lady’s Death

As former Brazil President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva held a vigil for his ...

Leaked Court Papers Show 52 Politics Linked to Corruption in Brazil: It Starts with the President

Leading the list are Brazilian President Michel Temer, former soccer star Romário, former candidate ...

Brazil Reverts Ban and Invites US to Use Amazon’s Missile Launching Base

The government of Brazilian President Michel Temer has invited the United States to use ...

Brazil’s Justice Killed in Plane Crash Had Received Death Threats

Brazil’s President, Michel Temer, made an official statement to mourn the death of Supreme ...