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Tag: Populism

Justice investigates Bolsonaro’s participation in the events of 8 January 2023: coup attempt failed, but country still divided

Brazilians Find Out How Far Bolsonaro Was Ready to Go to Hold on to Power

President Jair Bolsonaro summoned his ministers and staff to a meeting at his official ...

Many populist politicians do better in elections than polling suggests they will. Antonio Scorza/Shutterstock

Seen by Commentators as Unelectable, Brazil’s Bolsonaro Shows His Electoral Might

The sitting Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro secured an unexpected 43% vote in the recent ...

Brazilian leader Jair Bolsonaro is attempting to win the Christian vote in the upcoming election. Joacy Souza/Alamy

Brazil President Betting Religion Will Keep Him in Power for Four More Years

This autumn’s Brazilian presidential election offers a glimpse of how 21st century populist leaders ...

Jair Bolsonaro and Narendra Modi shake hands at a 2020 meeting

How the Populist Leaders of Brazil and India Made Their Countries World Champions of Covid

India recently pushed Brazil out of the media spotlight with its surge in coronavirus ...

Fernando Haddad and Jair Bolsonaro

After Angry First Round, Brazilians Seem Ready to Elect a Radical Right-Wing President

After a tense, violent and polarized campaign, Brazilians have voted to advance two candidates ...

House representative Jair Bolsonaro (PSC-Rio de Janeiro) - Sérgio Lima/Poder360

2018, a Year of Elections and Populism in Brazil and Latin America

And the winner is… Nicolas Maduro. At the end of 2017, the president of ...

Elections: A Far-Right Former Captain Surges as Brazil’s Donald Trump

Since the election victory of Donald Trump, many have tirelessly talked about populism. It ...

Anthony Garotinho

Hunger Strike, Oil-Dirty Hands, Blame the US…Populism Is Back in Brazil

"(As) a way of protest, I begin…a hunger-strike as a last resort in defense ...