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Tag: Obama

Brazil’s Lula Wants to Save President Obama from the Mean Washington Machine

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the president of Brazil, says that he would like ...

What Brazil Can Expect from Obama on Environment, Economy, Energy

The new president of the United States, Barack Obama, campaigned on a promise of ...

Brazil Says WTO Talks Need Obama’s Nod in Order to Succeed

Global trade talks need a strong signal from US President-elect Barack Obama to save ...

Obama Team Backs Free Trade Talks Among Brazil and Other LatAm Countries

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urged Latin America to continue fighting poverty and ...

How Obama Is Hurting Brazil’s Chances to Host 2016 Olympics

Mimicking American president-elect Barack Obama battle cry during his winning electoral campaign, Rio de ...

Obama Calls Lula in Italy and Accepts President’s Invitation to Visit Brazil

Returning a call placed several days ago by Brazilian President, Luiz Inácio Lula da ...

What Brazil Wants from Obama: End to Farm Subsidies and to Cuba’s Embargo

Barack Obama's victory in the United States presidential election represents most of all the ...

For Brazilian President, Obama’s Victory Would Be Spark of Joy to the World

The President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, said that if American senator ...

In Brazil Obama Gets 41% of the Votes and McCain 10%. The Rest Don’t Care

A majority of Latin-Americans know little or nothing about the coming US presidential election ...

Brazil President Sees Sunny Side of US Crisis: Obama’s Victory

Brazilian President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, sees a silver lining in the recent ...