Tag: Donald Trump

Brazilian leader Jair Bolsonaro is attempting to win the Christian vote in the upcoming election. Joacy Souza/Alamy

Brazil President Betting Religion Will Keep Him in Power for Four More Years

This autumn’s Brazilian presidential election offers a glimpse of how 21st century populist leaders ...

Be a patriot, come fight for your country


Brazil’s presidential elections amidst the Ukrainian War One of the effects in Brazil of ...

Bolsonaro's visit to Moscow a week before Russia's invasion of Ukraine generated confusion in Brazil | Alan Santos - PR

Behind in the Polls for Reelection, Brazil’s Bolsonaro Courts Putin

Presidents Jair Bolsonaro and Vladimir Putin have one thing in common – they’re both ...

War tanks parade in front of Palácio do Planalto, the presidential office, in Brasília

Brazil President Parades Smoke-Spewing Aging Tanks and Puts Nation to Shame

The clouds of dark exhaust spewing from aging tanks and amphibious vehicles rolling past ...

Trumpeting the past? The Bible has conflicting narratives over the conquest of Canaan. Wikimedia Commons

The Bible As a Model to Tell America’s History: Warts and All

At a time when Americans are seemingly as polarized as ever over the present, ...

Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, rides a horse while meeting fans.

Brazil and US: The Unmasked Leaders

It’s a masked world. One man wearing a mask is odd. He could be ...