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Tag: Democracy

Supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro clash with security forces. Joedson Alves/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Bolsonaro Is the Main Responsible for the Storming of Congress, Supreme Court and Presidential Office in Brazil

Thousands of far-right supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro stormed the country’s Congress, ...

Bolsonaro in the presidential Rolls Royce with children, during the Independence Day celebrations - Marcelo Camargo / ABr

For Threatening a Military Coup, Brazil’s Bolsonaro Should Be Impeached

Jair Bolsonaro stopped governing a while back. In three years, his government has inaugurated ...

Sneer, by Hirostoshi Ito, and the university students: using progressive camouflage, the left is transforming the students into consumers and the public servants into servants. CREDIT: SNEER_HIROTOSHI ITO-@ITOHIROTOSHI_2014

It Looks Like Revolution, But It’s Only Neoliberalism

The university professor in the middle of the authoritarian crusades of both the right ...

Brazil's president Jair Bolsonaro - Andre Borges/NurPhoto/PA Images

Brazil’s Bolsonaro Clownish and Incompetent Figure Is Also His Main Strength

The results of the recent municipal elections in Brazil were interpreted in distinct ways ...

Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro posing with his hands folded into the shape of guns - Agência Câmara

Jair Bolsonaro and His Illusion that Brazil Can Have Politics Without Politicians

‘Jair Bolsonaro (without a party)’ is how the press refers to the Brazilian president ...

94% of Brazilians Don’t Think President Temer Represent Them

The latest Ipsos poll published by one of Brazil’s most widely read newspapers, O ...

Brazilians protesting in the streets

Lula’s Conviction Is a Testament to How Far Brazil Has Come as a Democracy

After Dilma Rousseff was ousted as president in August 2016, Brazil’s pro-impeachment camp confidently ...