metatag Dance Archives - brazzil
Brazilian Grupo Corpo's Umbanda-Inspired "Gira" presentation. Photo by José Luiz Pederneiras

Brazilian Grupo Corpo Brings Its Mesmerizing Dance to the US

In the heart of Brazil, where the rich tapestry of Afro-Brazilian culture weaves together ...

Brazilian singer Elza Soares was often referred to as the Brazilian Tina Turner

Elza Soares: Brazil’s Voice of the Millennium Goes Silent

Elza Soares, one of the most revered singers in Brazilian samba music, died at ...

Rodrigues taps into the pain and powerlessness of Brazilians to create her dance pieces

Lia Rodrigues: A Dance to the Wounds and Powerlessness of Brazilians

With contorted faces and twitching bodies, dancers come together, push each other away, and ...

Brazilian Belly Dancer Dances Her Way to the Middle East

Spreading and teaching the Modern Arabic Dance style in Brazil. This is the aim ...

Candombé ceremony in Brazil

In Brazil You Dance to Play and You Dance to Pray

There are few countries around the world in which dance takes a center stage ...