Tag: Crop

Brazil’s Crop Jumps 5.4% to Record 139 Million Tons

Brazil is expected to harvest 139.3 million tons of grains and oil seeds in ...

Despite Bad Weather Paraná Keeps Title as Brazil’s Top Grain Producer

The state of Paraná, in the south of Brazil, should continue to lead national ...

Brazil on Its Way to Break a New Record Harvest, Led by Soy

Brazilian Conab (National Food Supply Company) released data this Thursday, November 8, hinting that ...

Cornfield in Brazil

Good Weather Brings Brazil Super Soy, Corn and Cotton Crops

Brazil's National Food Supply Company (Conab) has just disclosed the seventh survey for the ...

Brazil Grain Production Falling 13.4% This Year

The 2004/2005 Brazilian grain crop will be 113.7 million tons, as announced, yesterday, in ...

Brazil Needs US$ 31 Billion to Finance Crop

Brazil’s Superior Council of Agriculture and Livestock Raising (Rural Brasil), integrated by representatives of ...

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