Tag: Cristovam Buarque

UFRJ, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Brazil Needs a Little Less Astuteness and a Little More Civic Engagement

After declaring Brazil’s Independence, the Empire’s leaders decided to educate the children of the ...

The Amazon Is Ours to Protect. Brazil Cannot Follow the US Bad Example.

In 1980, the newspaper Jornal de Brasília published an article entitled "The Green Alaska." ...

Brazil's First Mass, 1861, by Victor Meirelles

Assault Is Brazil’s Legacy. It Started with the “Discovery.”

Brazil’s first assault was committed on April 22, 1500, by a Portuguese nobleman in ...

Why Can’t Brazil Be More Like Venezuela?

Caracas does not have many tourist sights, but were a visitor to write the ...

A Brazilian Program to Empower People Has Become Pure Assistencialism

The Bolsa-Escola (school grant) emerged as a simple solution to a complex question: it ...

The Brazilian Rich Won’t Be Out of Prison Before Misery Is Abolished

At the end of the 19th century, Brazil abolished the slave-ocratic system. As this ...

A Sample of Brazil’s Evil: Removing a Kid from the Streets Is Against the Law.

The head of a family must take responsibility for the education of his or ...

Brazil Is in Need of a Social Shock and an End to Privilege

In a July 1998 Veja magazine interview I suggested that, were he to be ...

Brazil and the World Need a Global Social Marshall Plan

Recent events in Brazil lead us to question what constitutes the difference between the ...