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Tag: Belo Monte

Brazil’s Big Contractors Looking for a Bigger Slice of Belo Monte’s Action

A sweetheart deal? Maybe. After all, the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) will ante up ...

Brazil Finally Admits Belo Monte Will Cost Well Over US$ 11 Billion

Brazilian Belo Monte hydroelectric power plant’s actual construction will begin in September or October. ...

Brazil Needs One Belo Monte a Year, Say Energy Experts

Brazil’s economic growth over the next decade or so will require an additional 4,000 ...

Brazil’s Backstage Efforts to Push Belo Monte Through

Following judicial battles that left at least two court injunctions overturned, the April 20 ...

Activists Vow to Continue Fighting to Prevent Brazil’s Belo Monte’s Construction

Brazil accepted bids this Tuesday, April 20, to build in the Amazon what should ...

Amazon’s Belo Monte Dam’s Auction Goes Ahead & Indians Invade Construction’s Site

The bidding process for the controversial Belo Monte Dam project went ahead today and ...

On, Off, On… Friends and Foes Regroup over Brazil’s Belo Monte Power Plant

Wednesday, April 14, a federal judge in Altamira, Pará, issued an injunction halting the ...

Lawsuits Won’t Stop Brazil from Building World’s Third Largest Hydroelectric Plant

Despite nasty court battles started by Indians, environmental activists and some of its own ...

Unable to Stop Amazon Hydroelectric Plant in Brazil Courts Activists Appeal to the UN

One hundred organizations, representing 40 communities in 11 municipalities in the state of Pará, ...

A Brazilian Movement Appeals to the UN to Stop the Amazon’s Belo Monte Dam

Delivered to the United Nations last Thursday, April 1st, a document claims that flaws ...

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