Brazil and Argentina are intent on addressing the creation of a binational nuclear energy ...
Brazil and Argentina ratified their "strategic alliance" on Monday during a business seminar opened ...
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the president of Brazil is expected in Argentina on ...
Brazil's Foreign Affairs minister Celso Amorim believes that Mercosur must do its utmost to ...
According to a study on the internationalization of Brazilian companies in Argentina, Brazil has ...
Brazil's media seems to consider that neighboring Argentine President, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner "backstepped" ...
In Brazil, exports of soybean reached a record 4.44 million tons in May, up ...
Brazil, Chile and Argentina figure among the 15 members elected on Wednesday, May 21, ...
Brazil's government-controlled oil multinational Petrobras will be investing US$ 2.4 billion in hydrocarbons exploration ...
Argentina and Brazil are considering the joint manufacturing of different types of arms both ...