Forget the American Dream. What Brazil Needs Is a Parliamentary Monarchy

I am a Canadian by birth. My wife is Brazilian. Naturally we try to follow the political situation in Brazil. My perspective comes from an Anglo Saxon parliamentary system of government. I believe even though I have self interest with my wife being Brazilian, I am much more objective in my views regarding Brazil.

My heart absolutely breaks and I feel so much sympathy and empathy with the Brazilian people. Brazil is a great nation. There are very few other countries in this world where the people are harder working, more down to earth and more deserving of a future blessed with all that can be possible in the 21st Century.

Sadly, the common person in Brazil does not see their inherent blessings, historical greatness and pride, nor their still possible fruitful future! They are ignorant of their own past history.

Brazil is a country which possesses some of the most amazing and God-given natural beauty, richness and potential. Her people have been endowed with this uniqueness. Brazil could be a microcosm of the Garden of Eden. The Brazilian people have hearts and soul’s filled with passion, humility and love.

Unfortunately the government of Brazil has not been honest or truthful to the Brazilian people. Democracy in Brazil has been subverted and corrupted to a point where it may not be possible to save Brazil from implosion.

Lula is a thief and criminal, Dilma Rousseff is his protégé while people like PT party member Hoffmann are traitors to the people of Brazil. They care about their own success not the success of the downtrodden and poor. They have become rich on the agony, pain and illness of the Brazilian people. They are no better than the slave owners of the past Portuguese overseers.

The people of Brazil deserve better. They have NOT failed Brazil. Brazil has failed her people.

American styled politics will NEVER work in Brazil. American democracy favors the corrupt and those who will stop at nothing to be at the top. The American dream is fiction. There is not equality for all. American democracy is a two edged sword.

In theory it works but in practice it fails. Brazil needs a parliamentary system of representative government which will eradicate this thinking of “if I can get rich by any means then it is my democratic right to do so”.

Only in a parliamentary, monarchist based government is there any hope to save Brazil’s future from communistic, socialistic anarchy. Brazil has something no other South American country has. They have a direct link to a monarchy.

At one time they were on equal par with the greatest nations on earth. Dom João VI was the only emperor to cheat Napoleon, with the help of great Britain, a parliamentary monarchy. Republicanism has destroyed this and replaced a perceived corrupt monarchy with a corrupt cast of thousands, if not more, criminals, raping and pillaging Brazil for their own profit.

How could a monarchy be any worse? It cannot be. A representative parliamentary monarchist based government would stabilize the Nation and renew the pride of Brazilian’s all over the world.

It can be done. If God is truly Brazilian it could be done. If the Brazilian people will only open their eyes to reality and cooperate with each other and put their country first instead of following liars and cheaters may yet be done.

It is true that we do not appreciate our blessings and gifts in life until we lose them. Brazilian people fight to regain your blessings and true freedom!


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