metatag The World Archives - brazzil
A billboard in Mounds View, Minnesota. Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Debunking the Myths About Sex Trafficking

The idea that sex trafficking is an urgent social problem is woven into American ...

A painting of a woman lying in bed next to a man. Heritage Images/Hilton Fine Art Collection via Getty Images

Why Women’s Casual Sex Is Seen So Negatively by Male and Female?

F. Scott Fitzgerald famously called the Roaring Twenties – which happened on the heels ...

Supporters of sex workers' rights marched in Las Vegas in 2019. AP Photo/John Locher

Internet Expanded Sex Work from Finding Sugar Daddy to Selling Used Panties

More people are getting involved in more types of sex work, especially with the ...

Tyrannosaurus rex spanned all of ancient North America, and about 20,000 lived at once. 1Ado123/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA

Earth Had 2.5 Billion Tyrannosaurus Rex and Other Revelations

During 2.4 million years of existence on Earth, a total of 2.5 billion Tyrannosaurus ...

Magic fascinated and troubled early Christians as much as it does some people today. Marvel Studios

Irony: Considered Evil, Magic Is Integral to Development of Christianity

Americans are fascinated by magic. TV shows like “WandaVision” and “The Witcher,” books like ...

Southern Baptist women demonstrating against the faith's gender role doctrine in Birmingham, Alabama, in 2019. AP Photo/Julie Bennett

The Evangelicals Belief in the Gracious Submission of Wives to Their Husbands Is Quite Recent

Prominent evangelical leader Beth Moore, who announced in March 2021 that she was leaving ...

Sherwood411/Flickr. Creative Commons (by-nc)

It’s High Time to End Conflation of Sex Work and Human Trafficking

The Covid-19 pandemic and the measures put in place to mitigate it have exacerbated ...

During the pandemic Americans turned to CBD, which purports to have calming effects. Catherine Falls Commercial/Getty Images

Learning to Distinguish Among Hemp, Marijuana and CBD. Are They All Legal?

New York recently became the 15th U.S. state to legalize cannabis for recreational use. ...

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