Although the book reads well and Rubem Fonseca deserves to be better known in ...
The silliness occasionally threatens to get out of hand, but all in all A ...
It is so rare to see Portuguese-language poems translated into English and published in ...
The cascade of demises begins after Daniel meets Lucídio, a man of apparent refinement ...
In Jô Soares’s Twelve Fingers there’s a gag a minute. Sure, there are one-liners ...
The story starts off with the bright plumage of an epic poem (or the ...
Genevieve Naylor’s wartime work in Brazil as photographer was not a documentary or confrontational ...
The 1969 kidnapping in Brazil of American ambassador Charles Burke Elbrick made him a ...
This story runs aground somewhat when it swims into its dream imagery, but the ...
Patrícia Melo has a stripped-down, straightforward style, and she pumps out words the way ...