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A beetle from Brazil's Atlantic Forest

Sense of Impunity Leads to 60% Increase in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest Deforestation

On May 29 the NGO SOS Mata Atlântica and the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas ...

Amazon's blue macaws - WWF

Agribusiness Lobby Strips Brazil of a Puerto Rico of Conservation Areas

With Brazil in political turmoil, the bancada ruralista agribusiness lobby that dominates Congress has ...

Tropical Forest Institute (IFT) in action at the city Paragominas, Pará state

Brazil’s Former Minister Wants Farmers and Environmentalists United to Save the Amazon

Former Brazilian Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira has made an impassioned plea for a “new ...

Amazon being burned - GaiaNet

Norway Threatens to Cut Aid If Brazil Can’t Stop Amazon’s Deforestation

Oil-rich Norway, which in many parts of the world emerged as the champion of ...

Rio Carnaval Parade Celebrating the Amazon Indians Leaves Big Farm Livid

Rio’s Carnaval festivities were threatened this year by a spat pitting a well-known parade ...

Brazil Is Losing Conservation Reserves. Mining Interests Seem to Be Behind the Move

New legislation in Brazil has been proposed to reduce or eliminate several Amazon conservation ...

Roads, Railways, Waterways, Dams: an Elaborate Plan to Kill the Amazon

The Amazon’s rivers once were sufficient for commerce, now international commodities traders want to ...

Roaming the Brazilian Amazon in Search of the Flying Monkey

The saki, or “flying monkey,” a mid-sized South American primate, gets its nickname from ...

A Race to Preserve Brazil’s Newly-Discovered Amazon Reef

The first pictures of a huge coral reef system discovered in the Amazon last ...

For Brazilian Indians the Bad from Rousseff’s Era Has Become Worse

In addition to being a politician and a constitutionalist lawyer, President Michel Temer is ...