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The Southern Atlantic right whale is back in the Brazilian coast.

Hunted for Centuries and Almost Extinct the Right Whale Is Making a Comeback in Brazil

Whale season started this month on the Brazilian coast and is expected to last ...

Tyrannosaurus rex spanned all of ancient North America, and about 20,000 lived at once. 1Ado123/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA

Earth Had 2.5 Billion Tyrannosaurus Rex and Other Revelations

During 2.4 million years of existence on Earth, a total of 2.5 billion Tyrannosaurus ...

At first glance, the Cerrado looks barren. But the savanna boasts important aquifers and provides major carbon storage. Andressa Zumpano / Action Aid.

Only Now the World Is Starting to Learn How Vital Is Brazil’s Cerrado to Our Planet

On May 6, 2015, the Brazilian government officially recognized a special economic region, one ...

Royal flycatcher (Onychorhynchus coronatus) in the Amazon by Philip Stouffer

The Radical Changes Fires Are Causing the Amazon Flora and Fauna

The number of fires burning in standing Amazon rainforest spiked dramatically in recent weeks, ...

Blue macaws seek rest at Fazenda São Francisco do Perigara.

The Dramatic Struggle to Save the Threatened Blue Macaw from Brazil’s Pantanal Fires

In the 1960s, Luiz de Figueiredo Barretto bought the São Francisco do Perigara farm, ...

Jaguar that survived the fire in Brazilian Pantanal.

World’s Largest Tropical Wetland, the Brazilian Pantanal, Being Converted into Ashes

Fires are raging in the wetlands of west-central Brazil, leaving behind a vast swath ...

Brazilian Indian ritual

Indians To Sue Brazil President After He Says They’re Becoming More Human

The main organization representing Brazil’s 300 indigenous tribes announced it would sue Brazilian President ...

A capuchin monkey in Brazil hoists a stone tool to crack open nuts. Luca Antonio Marino, CC BY-ND

A Farm in Brazil Provides a Unique Window on Human Evolution

Human beings used to be defined as “the tool-maker” species. But the uniqueness of ...

Yellow scorpion, the kind that's found in São Paulo

Killer Scorpions Are Invading Brazil’s Urban Centers

I live in São Paulo, the biggest city in Brazil, home to some 12 ...