Brazil Prisons: Where the Criminals Are the Ones Running the Show

The prison population throughout Latin America has been growing steadily for the past few ...

What the World Can Learn from a Brazilian Pioneering Drug Program

In Brazil, a drug program in the northeastern state of Pernambuco has provided some ...

Leaked Court Papers Show 52 Politics Linked to Corruption in Brazil: It Starts with the President

Leading the list are Brazilian President Michel Temer, former soccer star Romário, former candidate ...

Brazil’s Prison Riot: The Unspeakable Pain of Burying Your Beheaded Child

The prison massacre in Alcaçuz Penitentiary on January 14, which killed at least 26 ...

Accident or Not, the Death of a Justice Helps the New Brazilian President

The tragic death of Teori Zavascki, the Brazilian Supreme Court Justice who died in ...

The End of Brazil’s Richest Man: Bald and in Jail

Former Brazilian billionaire Eike Batista was arrested upon arrival at the Tom Jobim/Galeão International ...

Eike Batista, Once Brazil’s Wealthiest Man, Is Now an International Fugitive

Brazilian businessman Eike Batista was put on Interpol’s list of wanted people. After the ...

Brazil’s Justice Killed in Plane Crash Had Received Death Threats

Brazil’s President, Michel Temer, made an official statement to mourn the death of Supreme ...

Human Rights Watch Blames Brazil’s Prison Overcrowding on Country’s Anti-Drug Law

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has criticized Brazil’s prison overcrowding problem in its World Report ...

Cutting Workers’ Rights? Just a Rumor to Create Division, Says Brazil’s President

Brazilian President Michel Temer announced that he will combat rumors flying around the streets ...