Latin America

The orange-winged parrot (Amazona amazonica) and the blue and yellow macaw (Ara ararauna) pictured, were the most traded parrot species - Photo by Luc Viatour

Benefits and Risks of Legal Wildlife Trade in the Amazon

The multimillion-dollar legal wildlife trade in species originating from Amazonian countries has been analyzed ...

United States' president, Donald J. Trump

Rousseff, Brazil’s Ex-president, Calls Trump’s Meddling in Venezuela Irresponsible and Criminal

Washington’s attempts to interfere in politics in South America, including in Venezuela, are “extremely ...

A group of Brazilian friends.

Are Brazilians Hispanics? Latinos? It Depends. Most Would Like to Just Be Called Brazilian

Bikini waxes, keratin hair blowouts and all-you-can-eat steakhouses. In the United States, all three ...

US president Donald Trump

What Brazil and Latin America Can Teach About a Donald Trump’s Conceivable Impeachment

Some Americans and members of Congress have called for the impeachment of President Donald ...

Victim was killed in the street in Alagoas state - Photo: Alagoas 24 Horas

Latin America’s Homicide Epidemic Can Be Cured. It Just Needs a New Approach

In the 1990s, the capital of Colombia’s mountainous Antioquia province Medellin had one of ...

A Brazilian Virus Called Odebrecht

Over the last 73 years, Odebrecht has become the leading construction company in Latin ...

Brazil Sends a Message to Trump: Friends Don’t Build Walls

The Brazilian government said it is concerned about US President Donald Trump’s order to ...

Mercosul grows up

The trial period is over for Mercosul, the trade agreement between Brazil and its ...