
Portela became Rio Carnaval's champion telling the tragedy of a collapsed dam - Fernando Frazão/ABr

Rio Carnaval Gets Serious with Tragic Story of a Broken Dam

  In 2015, the collapse of mining company Samarco’s dams at a mine in ...

Açaí, Brazil Nuts and Other Amazon Trees Are Only Abundant Thanks to Ancient Indians

Ancient indigenous peoples had a far more profound impact on the composition of the ...

By Planting Eucalyptus, Espírito Santo State in Brazil Is Creating an Immense Green Desert

The spread of desertification and increasing scarcity of water amid eucalyptus monocultures in the ...

The Rush to Save a Brazilian Town Dying of Thirst

The shrunken carcasses of cows lie in scorched fields outside the city of Campina ...

End of a Myth: Hydropower Doesn’t Mean Green Energy

From the Amazon Basin to boreal forests, and from the Mekong to the Himalayan ...

Brazil Is Losing Conservation Reserves. Mining Interests Seem to Be Behind the Move

New legislation in Brazil has been proposed to reduce or eliminate several Amazon conservation ...

Roads, Railways, Waterways, Dams: an Elaborate Plan to Kill the Amazon

The Amazon’s rivers once were sufficient for commerce, now international commodities traders want to ...