
1984 Arrives in Brazil 40 Years Later

George Orwell’s classic literary piece, 1984, seems to have found yet a new playhouse ...

A book by former Brazzil contributor John Fitzpatrick.

“Compared with São Paulo, New York is Sleepy Hollow.” A new book about Brazil´s biggest city.

Former Brazzil contributor John Fitzpatrick has just published a collection of short stories called ...

Two Brazilian classics just translated into English.

New Translations Introduce Brazil’s Lobato and Leminski to U.S.

New London Librarium, a premier publisher of translations of Brazilian classics, has just released ...

The cover of The Musician

The Musician: An Excerpt by a Celebrated Best-selling Brazilian Author

Dr. Heloisa Prieto is one of Brazil’s most celebrated children and YA authors. As ...

Paulo Coelho is an international literary star

Paulo Coelho: Brazil’s World-renowned Parable Teller Turns 75

The books of Paulo Coelho, the world’s most successful contemporary Brazilian author, are not ...

To Love, Intransitive Verb: Brazil's quintessential modernist novel

Mário de Andrade’s To Love, Intransitive Verb: The Novel that Launched Brazil’s Modernist Movement

Ana Lessa-Schmidt’s translation of Mário de Andrade’s modernist classic, To Love, Intransitive Verb, is ...