There are three types of people, a saying goes: those who make things happen, ...
Brazil is expected to displace and evict scores of people all around the country ...
One of the Brazilian president’s top aides, Gilberto Carvalho (“Secretaria-Geral da Presidência da República”), ...
Barack Obama owes us another journey to Brazil. Not as president, but as a ...
In Brazil, for most people, Easter is Holy Week, meaning at least a four-day ...
The first four months of any new president will give some indication of the ...
In a decision that surprised the market, which expecting a bigger hike, Brazil’s central ...
Brazilians are smoking less but continue to lead sedentary lives, a survey by Brazil’s ...
In the 19th century, Victor Hugo refused to shake hands with Pedro II, the ...
The period of the military dictatorship in Brazil often referred to as “Brazil’s years ...