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Brazil’s Global Peace Ranking is Bad (74th). But the US’s Is Much Worse (82nd)

Brazil appears in 74th place in a list ranking peace and social justice in ...

Brazil to Invest US$ 2.5 Billion in Wind Farms This Year

After counting for generation on hydroelectricity for about 80% of it energy need Brazil ...

Brazil Congress to Inquire How President’s Chief of Staff Multiplied Fortune by 20

Not even five months, Brazil’s young government faces its first scandal. It involves presidential ...

Standard & Poor’s Once Again Upgrades Brazil’s Credit Rating

US-based financial compass Standard & Poor’s says it has revised its outlook on Brazil’s ...

Brazil Can’t Explain a Four-fold Increase in Deforestation in the Amazon

Brazil’s Environment minister, Izabella Teixeira, says that the recent surge in rainforest deforestation in ...

Brazil Wants to Know How President’s Chief of Staff Got 20 Times Richer in 5 Years

In Brazil, revelations of a several times surge in the personal wealth of president’s ...

Brazil Judge’s Sentence Against American Pilots Cannot Be Enforced

Almost five years ago, on September 26, 2006, an executive jet manufactured by the ...

As World Cup and Olympics Host Brazil Has Already Won Two Medals: for Mismanagement and Waste

Winning the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Summer Olympic bids continues to have both ...

Brazil Isn’t Ready to Replace the US as Protector of Latin America

Many modern intellectuals (leftist economists and political scientists of various nationalities) have been advocating ...

China Ready to Invest US$ 8 Bi in Brazil While Brazilians Wish to Diversify Exports to Chinese

Brazil’s Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Fernando Pimentel, says that China will ...