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Leaders of Police Rebellion in Brazil Use Women and Kids as Human Shields

Human shields: the same tactic used by Saddam Hussein during the US invasion of ...

Striking Police in Bahia, Brazil, Warn: “Expect a Bloodbath If They Evict Us”

Brazilian Army troops locked down the northeast Brazilian city of Salvador on Sunday as ...

Bahia Police Strike Escalates: Strikers Take Assembly, Army Surrounds Them

The number of weekly murders in the capital of the northeastern Brazilian state of ...

Fear in Bahia, Brazil, Is Emptying ATM Machines and Supermarket Shelves

Sunday, February 5, 2012. 7.30 am. A side road in a residential area of ...

Bahia in Brazil Is a War Zone. And the Police, Who Should Protect, Spread Fear

Ilhéus, in the South of Bahia state, Brazil is a ghost city. It never ...

Brazil: Bahia Is in State of Siege with Police on Strike and Criminals Roaming Streets

Shopping Iguatemi, the most popular shopping center in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. 3rd floor in ...

Tupi or not Tupi or Only Cannibalism Unites Us Brazilians

“Every Brazilian, even the light skinned fair haired one carries about him on his ...

In Visit to Cuba Brazil President Lambastes Obama for Embargo and for Keeping Guantanamo Open

Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff, a communist guerrilla in her youth, who is visiting Havana ...

Brazil President in Cuba: He Who Has No Human Rights Problem, Cast the First Stone

During an interview today in Havana, Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff told reporters that the ...