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September 1994

CONTENTS: Cover story: Picking up the president (p. 8) A whale of an election ...

July 1994

CONTENTS: Cover: ABC & philosophy (p. 7) Now we pay in real (p. 13) ...

June 1994

CONTENTS: Cover: Dreaming of the Cup (p. 7) Tribute: Senna’s very untimely last race ...

May 1994

CONTENTS: Cover: The space is ours (p. 7) Interview: Presidential hopeful opens his heart ...

April 1994

CONTENTS: Cover: One real = one dollar (p. 7) Politics: Jobim and the constitution ...

March 1994

CONTENTS: Cover: Cleaning our soul (p. 7) Economy: Our money is all over (p. ...

February 1994

CONTENTS: Cover: The Generals are watching (p. 7) Betinho talks (p. 13) Saving the ...

January 1994

CONTENTS: Cover: The Northeast is dying of thirst (p. 7) (President) Lula talks (p. ...

December 1993

CONTENTS: Cover: Overhauling the Constitution (p. 7) Literature: Lygia Fagundes Telles’s short story (p. ...

November 1993

CONTENTS: Cover: Battling Hunger (p. 7) Short Story: Mafra Carbonieri (p. 13) Gearing up ...