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Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

By Brazzil Magazine RIO Amor, Religião e Sexo (Love, Religion and Sex)—Seven inmates share ...

English for Brazucas

What is the difference between pre-owned and second-hand? This is a simple marketing gimmick, ...

Traveling with a Purpose

Travelers will soon be able to work the ground at a farming settlement in ...

Brazil 101

Question: "Is Brazil all it’s cracked up to be?" By Philip Blazdell Dear Mr. ...

Song of Jilted Love

Waiter By Rodolfo Espinoza A composer, who for more than three decades has been ...

Street Smart

When Curitiba, a city on the southern state of Paraná, does something the world ...


Taste of BrazilBy An early hit by João Gilberto called "O Pato" (The Duck) ...

High Fever

Shanty towns and poor neighborhoods were more affected by the dengue outbreak. But in ...

Bilingual Verse

The publishers inform that Sky-Eclipse "is centered on the play of sound and syntax, ...

Renaissance Man and Artist

Odetto Guersoni’s works grace a large number of galleries and museums. He is often ...