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The Brazilian Experience

Since 1990, Brazil has been made into a laboratory for disastrous economic recipes that ...

Brazil and IMF: Eyeballing Each Other

The Brazilian government and the IMF have not yet discussed the possibility of a ...

The Unique "Brazilianness" of Brazilians

The rampant and gross indifference to the separation of the various populations of Latin ...

Watching the Titanic Sink in Brazil

There are few nursing homes in Brazil, due to the fact that the entire ...

Brazil: Why Is Everyone Partying?

A party happens on a birthday, or a wedding. I loathe parties. I can’t ...

Sweets, the Brazilian Way

According to Yahoo! Brasil, the Brazilian creme de leite craze is catching on outside ...

Brazil: Portrait of a Paulista Family

What I can imagine is the terror of living in a country where you ...

Brazil: Misery and Hope Unite Twin Cities

Guaribas in Piauí became known when it was transformed into the showcase town where ...

How I Taught English in Brazil and Survived to Tell the Story: Lesson 3

Many newcomers to Brazil are completely unaware of the so-called service and use hidden ...

Brazil: Indians Unhappy with Lula

Indigenous peoples and their allies want indigenous policy of the Lula administration to be ...