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Tasting Brazil…in Boston

Brazilian immigration has grown at such a pace in Massachusetts that it has helped ...

Portugal, a Brazil Colony

Wandering around the streets of Lisbon, you will eventually bump into a Brazilian. It ...

Brazil: The Heat Is Up for Lula

Right-wingers in Washington are becoming obsessed with Brazil as they fear the emergence of ...

Brazil: Rio’s War of the Drug Lords

In anticipation of war for the favela’s drug trade, Rocinha’s drug-traffickers are currently recruiting ...

Brazil, Land of Carnaval and Scandal

Brazilian politics is so rife with scandals that teams of journalists could spend the ...

Brazil’s Fingerprinting: Good to Catch Sex Tourists

Many U.S. citizens visit foreign lands to engage in illegal activity that would be ...

Mugged in Brazil

Bit by bit I was losing the struggle. He was taller and bigger than ...

In Brazil, TV Is Untouchable

We had a dramatic example of the incompetence of the Brazilian State in curbing ...

Brazilians Meet and Pray in New York

After the mass, which lasted just over an hour and ended with the distribution ...

Brazil’s Capoeira: Alive and Kicking in London

Some come into capoeira class, convinced they are about to learn a Brazilian version ...