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Brazil Raps UN for Not Including Women in Millenium Goals

In a speech at the 49th Session of the United Nations (UN) Commission on ...

Brazil Makes Biodiversity Corridor a Tourist Attraction

Brazil’s Ministry of Environment (MMA) and the government of Amapá will sign a memorandum ...

In Brazil, Quotas and Scholarship Bring 5% More Blacks to College

The number of Afro-descendant students entering Brazilian universities in 2004 grew 5% in comparison ...

Brazil Greenlights Transgenics and Stem Cell Research

Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies ended the controversy over the cultivation of genetically modified seeds ...

TV Brazil: International TV with a Brazilian Slant

The experience of TV Brazil, a pilot station set up at the V World ...

Chinese and Korean Mafias Lead Piracy in Brazil

The creation of a Division for the Repression of Contraband and an Anti-Piracy Division ...

Brazil’s Itautec to Launch ATMs at German Fair

Itautec, one of Brazil’s largest high-tech manufacturers, will participate for the fourth time in ...

Greenpeace Calls Brazil’s Biosecurity Bill Unconstitutional

The non-governmental organization (NGO), Greenpeace, released a note summoning civil society to mobilize against ...

Brazil Exports Keep Setting Records

Over the past 12 months, Brazil’s foreign trade flows amounted to US$ 165.207 billion, ...

Petrobras to Invest US$ 54 Billion in 5 Years

Petrobras is going to invest US$ 3.275 billion in the southeastern Brazilian state of ...