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US Pans Brazil for Recognizing Palestine as a State

The United States criticized Brazil, Argentina and several other Latin American countries for the ...

Brazil-US Open-Skies Accord Should Increase Flights and Reduce Prices

Brazil and the United States have signed an Open-Skies aviation services agreement, which will ...

It Was My Love for Brazil that Led Me to Create this Groupon for Brazilian Travel

It was after my first visit to Brazil to attend the annual Carnaval festival ...

Five Things President Obama Can Do Now to Improve U.S.-Brazil Relations

The election of Dilma Rousseff as Brazil’s first woman to drape Brazil’s presidential sash ...

Brazil Opposition Torpedoes Plans for US$ 300 Million AeroDilma

The opposition in Brazil has criticized the purchase of a new presidential aircraft for ...

More Wikileaks: Corruption, Amazon Paranoia and Uncritical Brazilian Media

A Wikileaks cable says that the president of Brazil,  Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva ...

Brazil 2010 Amazon Deforestation Data Shows Lowest Rate Ever Recorded

The Brazilian government is announcing that deforestation rates in the Brazilian Amazon declined 14% ...

Brazil’s Plan to Divert the São Francisco River Is Good Only for Big Business

The São Francisco River is so important in Brazil that is called the river ...

Brazil’s Plan to Use Unmanned Vehicles to Fight Smugglers Ruffles Neighbors Feathers

Brazil wants to use unmanned air vehicles, VANT, along the border areas of neighboring ...

Arrogant and Cynical: The Way the US Appears in Brazil from Wikileaks Portrait

As more and more documents become available from Wikileaks, the public has gotten a ...