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In a Decade Brazil’s Petrobras Jumps from 27th to 3rd Place in the World

Based on market capitalization, the prestigious PFC Energy 50 list of the world’s biggest ...

After Brazil’s Timid Social Democracy Dilma Has a Chance to Start New Cycle

Politics, like history, occurs in cycles. Brazil is passing through a cycle of democratic ...

After Scuffle for Posts Brazil Halts Nominations in Government

The idea is to try to halt political party disputes for posts in the ...

LATAM, US$ 15 Billion Chile-Brazil Airline Company, Is Almost a Reality

A top executive of the Chilean airline LAN told in a radio interview  that ...

Despite Problems Brazil Is Expecting Hefty Crops of Coffee and Soy

The world’s largest producer of soy after the U.S., Brazil, may harvest more of ...

China Spends Close to US$ 1 Billion Buying Power Plants in Brazil

Beijing-based State Grid Corp. of China completed the purchase of seven electricity distribution businesses ...

WTO Panel Rules Against US on a Case of Brazilian Orange Juice

A dispute settlement panel from the World Trade Organization has ruled that the United ...

WTO Panel Rules Against US on a Case of Brazilian Orange Juice

A dispute settlement panel from the World Trade Organization has ruled that the United ...

US Delegation for Inauguration of Brazil’s New President to Be Headed by Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of State will head the United States delegation to ...

Brazil Expecting to Increase Its Exports in 2011 by 12%, Well Above the World Average

In a repeat performance even though not as quite as strong following the 2010 ...