metatag Brazil President On His Way to Russia to Talk Energy, Infrastructure and Air Defense - brazzil

Brazil President On His Way to Russia to Talk Energy, Infrastructure and Air Defense

President Michel Temer of Brazil is to meet his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin during his Moscow stop this week. Among the items to be discussed is the purchase of air defense missile systems. There will also be talks with Russian investors to discuss energy matters.

“I am visiting Russia and Norway and my agenda includes meetings with President Vladimir Putin in Moscow and King Harald V and Prime Minister Erna Solberg in Oslo,” Temer was quoted as saying.

He will also be holding talks with potential investors to explain them that Brazil is going through a period of economic modernization, which brings along responsible budget expenditure, higher rationality and better legal security.

Temer made it clear that “Russia will be number one on the agenda of my tour,” because “it is a power nobody can do without in the international scene.”

“We will proceed from the Russian investors’ strong interest in the energy sector, and we shall move on to explore the opportunities concerning railway transport enterprises, ports and other infrastructures,” Temer said.

He also explained that “in Moscow, we will try to structure political dialogue and to make it more systemic,” as well as sign “a plan of bilateral consultations for the period of 2018-2020.

Henceforth, we will strengthen our cooperation on the issues that both Russians and Brazilians discuss at the UN, G-20, BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and other international agencies.”

Brazil is also interested in increasing and diversifying its agricultural exports to the Russia. There are also plans to set up reciprocal cultural centers in each country as a platform to expand bilateral ties.

Even football is expected to be on the agenda as Brazil, hosts of the 2014 World Cup, passes on the torch to Russia for the 2018 competition.



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