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Brazzil Magazine

Former Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff

Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff: Martyr, President, Martyr

An exclusive interview by Democracy Now: Dilma Rousseff on Her Ouster, Brazil’s Political Crisis & ...

Victims of the massacre get buried in close-by graves - Photo: Dinho Santos

Eviction in Brazil Ends Up in the Massacre by Police of Ten People

Ten campesinos (nine men and one woman) were killed by Brazil’s military and civilian ...

Getting ready to work

Moody’s Lowers Brazil’s Credit Rating, But Doesn’t Anticipate a Double-Dip Recession

Brazil’s economy is clearly growing again after a severe recession and will be shielded ...

Out with Temer, says protester's banner - Paulo Pinto/Ag PT

Badly Wounded, Brazil’s President Seems Incapable to Go Through with Country’s Incipient Recovery

Brazil’s massive corruption scandal – which has brought down dozens of politicians and business ...

Protesters burn buildings and fight the police in Brasília - José Cruz/ABr

Responding to Pressure, Brazil President Removes Army from Capital

Brazilian President Michel Temer has called troops back off the streets of Brasília following ...

A crack addict in Brazil - Photo: Bruno Kelly

São Paulo’s Answer to Drugs: Police, Tractors and Forced Treatment

Last Sunday, São Paulo authorities dramatically deployed a “new” approach to dealing with drug ...

Protest against Temer at Museu da República in Brasília - Lula Marques/Agência PT

How the Neoliberal Elite Conspired to Destroy Brazil’s Workers Party. And How It Failed

The Brazilian Workers’ Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores, PT) won the country’s presidential elections four ...

Brazilian poet Leonardo Lopes da Silva and his book

A Wandering Brazilian Poet Who Sees His Cultural Upbringing as Blessing and Curse

“Name at least one way to tame the upsurges of tiresome suns, though the ...

Brazilian Army sent to protect the presidential palace in Brasília - Valter Campanato/ABr

Army Takes Over Brazil’s Capital After Protesters Invade and Break Government Buildings

The Brazilian Army took over positions close to the presidential palace and ministry buildings ...