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Brazzil Magazine

A gang of 16 dug a sophisticated 600-meter tunnel equipped with lights.

Brazil Police Foil What Would Be World’s Biggest Bank Robbery Ever

A criminal gang dug a 600-meter (2000-foot) tunnel in an attempt to rob 1 ...

Fritz's map of Amazonia, published in 1707 - Samuel Fritz

Tired of Being Denied Territory, Amazon Peoples Are Drawing Their Own Maps

In 1707, a Jesuit missionary from the Czech Republic named Samuel Fritz published one ...

Tapajós National Forest set on fire, which is the cheapest way to get rid of the trees

It Doesn’t Change: For 500 Years, the Elite Has Been Dilapidating Brazil’s Natural Riches

Brazil. The fifth largest country in the world. Besides housing the world’s largest rainforest ...

Lula wearing a typical hat from Brazil's Northeast - Photo: Ricardo Stuckert/Instituto Lula

If He Doesn’t Go to Jail and People Don’t Change Their Mind, Lula Will Be Brazil’s Next President

Despite being sentenced to nine years and six months over alleged corruption charges in ...

The "confused" lady is a character from a 2004 soap opera who kidnapped a baby and killed some people | Image: Twitter/Reproduction.

Trying to Understand Brazilians? Start by Their Memes

You have probably already stumbled upon a Brazilian meme on one of your internet ...

Cleaning electoral leaflets from the street.

The Streets Clamored for It, But Brazilian Congress Is Bungling the Electoral Reform

Brazil’s Congress is rushing to approve a series of legislative reforms to update the ...

Brazilian Indians protest the way they are treated - Marcelo Camargo/ABr

Brazil’s Unholy Alliance with the President to Privatize the Amazon

Brazilian de facto President Michel Temer’s decree 9142 abolishing the Amazon National Reserve of ...

Work at Angra 3 has been stopped / Photo: Minplanpac

Brazil Wants Russia to Help It Finish Its Angra 3 Power Plant

For a long time now cooperation between Russia and Brazil in the field of ...

From "Abortion Movie" by Lincoln Péricles, 2016

The Case to Legalize Abortion in Brazil While Congress Tries to Ban It

I met “Mariana,” a 20-year-old Brazilian woman, in Paraíba state, almost a year ago ...

President Michel Temer talks in Brasília - Beto Barata/PR

Poll Shows Brazilian President as Most Unpopular Leader Since the Dictatorship

Brazilian President Michel Temer’s popularity has plummeted down to just 3 percent, according to ...