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Brazzil Magazine

A Sweet and Nostalgic Trip to 16th Century Brazil and Slavery

Brazilian historian-sociologist- anthropologist Gilberto Freyre (1900-1987) wrote in his book “Assucar” (Sugar), in 1939, ...

Brazil Stock Market Tumbles Another 6.7% for a 28% Loss This Year

Once again, this Wednesday, September 17, stock markets across Latin America suffered a beating ...

Paraguayan President Asks Fairness from Brazil and Gets a Study Group

The new President of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, visited Brazil this Wednesday, September 17, with ...

Brazil TAM to Fly Non-Stop from Rio to New York and Miami

Starting September 19, Brazilian airline TAM will fly direct from Rio de Janeiro to ...

Montenegro Republic Buys 116-Seat Brazilian Jet

Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer sold its first Embraer 195 jet to Montenegro Airlines, this ...

Brazil’s Embraer Opens Full-Service Center in the US for Its Executive Jets

Brazilian aircraft maker Embraer has just opened at Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, in Mesa, Arizona, ...

Brazilian Minister Defends Unification of Portuguese to Spread Language Worldwide

When the subject is education and culture, the exchange between Brazil and the Middle ...

Oil Industries Big Boys Meet in Brazil for the Rio Oil & Gas Conference

The Brazilian company Hydroclean, from the southeastern state of Minas Gerais, headquartered in the ...

Amazon Fair in Brazil Draws Buyers from US, Canada and Japan

US$ 10 million in contracts were generated last week in Brazil during the business ...

Brazil’s Petrobras to End 2008 with Oil Trade Balance Surplus

Brazil's state-controlled gas and oil multinational Petrobras should end the year with an oil ...